Hello, I need to sort the following by ID as I enter them into a linked list by while loop. So far I can build through the list, but I'm not sure how to sort by ID as they are entered:
Albert 1000 55.5 150
Babs 3000 60 110
Freida 1150 71 175.5
Big_Al 2000 77 244
Tiny 1550 44 77
nodeType *first, *newNode, *last;
first = NULL;
last = NULL;
while (inFile)
newNode = new nodeType; //01x
inFile >> newNode->info.firstname;
inFile >> newNode->info.id;
inFile >> newNode->info.height;
inFile >> newNode->info.weight;
newNode->link = NULL;
if (first == NULL) //first case init
first = newNode;
last = newNode;
last->link = newNode;
last = newNode;
Thanks for the help!