Hi everyone i'm very new to python , only have been working with it for about a week, and I have the following question.I'm making a Lingo game in which you guess a needed word, but the first letter is always given when started
I have 3 lists in which i'm adding words seperated per letter so for example:
# neededword is the word you need to guess
#this is the raw input of the user for example now i entered :
rawlist =
# mask is the return of a string of a method which checks if any letters are matched and then puts a '*' on incorrect letters which i then add to a list.
masklist =
i then convert them to sets to make it easier and that's worked pretty well .I've experimented for many hours and my problem is as follows, I can find the matching letter which are in the wrong order and print them, but I can't seem to find a way to print them when i have 2 of the same letters in the list for example:
word to guess : apples
raw input: aplpes
it will print out set[l]
but it won't check for the 2nd 'p' as it has already found there is a 'p' in both lists.
Is there any way to solve this or any other way to do this , any help is appreciated :)