It's only supposed to return the celebrities that contain the keyword the user searches for :'(. Instead it returns everything.
Eg. they enter the following:
Reba McIntire OK
George Clooney KY
Enter keyword: KY
It should only return George Clooney. Instead it returns all of them in the list.
Try it out and see. Boolsh# :'(
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Celeb
string name; //Name of celebrity folowed by decade they were born in, E.g. Reba McEntire 50s, 2nd e.g. Gene Hackman 30s
void setName(string);
bool foundCelebs(string userKey) //;
if (name.find(userKey) != string::npos) //::npos is required
return true;
return false;
string getName();
name = "No person";
void Celeb::setName(string celebName)
name = celebName;
string Celeb::getName() //;
return name;
void InputCelebs(Celeb * celbPtr, int size);
int main()
Celeb search;
string searchCelebs;
int numCelebs;
cout << "How many celebs do you want to enter: " ;
cin >> numCelebs;
Celeb * celebList;
celebList = new Celeb[numCelebs];
InputCelebs(celebList, numCelebs); //User will then proceed to enter
//list of cities and their coordinates
cout << "\nEnter a keyword, like the states abbreviation to search for, ";
cout << "\n";
cin >> searchCelebs;
search.foundCelebs(searchCelebs); //--->>>> Call bool function
bool found = false;
for (int index = 0; index < numCelebs; index++)
if ( (search.foundCelebs(searchCelebs)) == false) //(!search.foundRegion(c_State_or_Province) will display "Your input did not match...." no matter what
found = true;
cout << index + 1 << ". " << celebList[index].getName() << "\n";
if (found == false)
cout << "Your search produced nothing . " << endl; //Must only execute once at the most (instead of number of celebs entered).
delete [] celebList;
celebList = 0;
return 0;
void InputCelebs(Celeb * celebPtr, int size)
string celeb_Name; //Name of of celeb followed by state abbrev they were born in; e.g., Reba McEntire OK
for (int index = 0; index < size; index++)
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter name of celebrity followed by a unique information,";
cout << "\ntheir home state's abbreviation: ";
getline(cin, celeb_Name);
cout << endl;