hello guys how properly push,pop,display a char array into another char array, when come to int i can do but in char array its to hard to analyze.. pls guy need some help. thnx in advance

It depends on how you're storing the items of the stack. Personally, I would use an array of structures:

struct item {
    char a[ITEM_SIZE];

struct item stack[STACK_SIZE];
size_t top = 0;

With that setup, pushing and popping are a simple matter of copying the contained array:

void push(const char a[], size_t size)
    if (top >= STACK_SIZE)

    if (size > ITEM_SIZE)
        size = ITEM_SIZE;

    memcpy(stack[top++].a, a, size);

void pop(char dst[], size_t size)
    if (top == 0)

    if (size > ITEM_SIZE)
        size = ITEM_SIZE;

    memcpy(dst, stack[--top].a, size);

thnx narue, but can you show me how to exactly apply this code with simple input and output?

char a[ITEM_SIZE];

if (fgets(a, sizeof a, stdin) != NULL)
    push(a, sizeof a);

pop(a, sizeof a);
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