Hello all, I am not sure what's wrong my code but, when I run my program it keeps going to my default switch statement. I would like my program to keep looping the menu until I put in the quit function. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you. My code is below
# include <cmath>
# include <iostream>
# include <iomanip>
# include <cctype>
# include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
string msg = "Please select from the following menu: ";
string menu = " [+] Add [%] mod [s] sin \n"
" [-] Sub [_] floor [S] aSin \n"
" [*] Mult [~] ceil [c] cos \n"
" [/] Div [^] power [C] acos \n"
" [x] Quit [r] sqrt [t] tan \n"
" [?] Help [l] log10 [T] atan \n";
cout << msg << endl << menu;
int op;
cin >> op;
do {switch( op )
case '+':
float n1, n2, add;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ";
cin >> n1 >> n2;
add = n1 + n2;
cout << add << endl;
case '-':
float n3, n4, sub;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ";
cin >> n3 >> n4;
sub = n3 - n4;
cout << sub << endl;
case '*':
float n5, n6, mult;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ";
cin >> n5 >> n6;
mult = n5 * n6;
cout << mult << endl;
case '/':
float n7, n8, div;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ";
cin >> n7 >> n8;
div = n7/n8;
cout << div << endl;
case 'x': return 0;
case '?': cout << "Select an item from this menu to compute" << endl;
case '%':
int n9, n10, mod;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ";
cin >> n9 >> n10;
mod = n9 % n10;
cout << mod << endl;
case '_':
float n11, flo;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n11;
flo = floor(n11);
cout << flo << endl;
case '~':
float n12, ce;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n12;
ce = ceil(n12);
cout << ce << endl;
case '^':
float n13, n14, power;
cout << "Please enter two numbers: ";
cin >> n13 >> n14;
power = pow(n13, n14);
cout << power << endl;
case 'r':
float n15, root;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n15;
root = sqrt(n15);
cout << root << endl;
case 'l':
float n16, log;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n16;
log = log10(n16);
cout << log << endl;
case 's':
float n17, s;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n17;
s = sin(n17);
cout << s << endl;
case 'S':
float n18, S;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n18;
S = asin(n18);
cout << S << endl;
case 'c':
float n19, c;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n19;
c = cos(n19);
cout << c << endl;
case 'C':
float n20, C;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n20;
C = acos(n20);
cout << C << endl;
case 't':
float n21, t;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n21;
t = tan(n21);
cout << t << endl;
case 'T':
float n22, T;
cout << "Please enter one number: ";
cin >> n22;
T = atan(n22);
cout << T << endl;
default: cout << "Selection is not recognized" << endl; break;
} }while (op != 'x');
system ("pause");
return 0;