I have to ask the user for a filename (that exists in the programs father file) and open that .gif file in order to play with the colors of the image... I am really new as programming and need help! I will be asking for more answers soon as well!!
Here is what I have so far:
You can see where my program has to go so help as much as you can/want!!
from graphics import *
import os
def main():
filename = input('Please enter the name of a picture file: ')
#Open .gif filename internally so I can edit it
print('Select your choice:')
print('a. Turn the image blue')
print('b. Convert the image to grayscale')
print('c. Invert the colors of the image')
print('d. Mirror the image from left to right')
#re-ask question if user enters an invalid answer a-d
abort = 0
while abort == 0:
selection = input('Choose a selection: ')
selection = selection.lower()
if selection == 'a':
abort = 1
elif selection == 'b':
abort = 1
elif selection == 'c':
abort = 1
elif selection == 'd':
abort = 1
print('That is not a valid entry! Try again')
def image_blue():
#Change image properties to blue
def image_grayscale():
#Change image to grayscale
def image_invert():
#Invert colors of image
def image_mirror():
#Mirror original image
def save_file():
#Save file to new name and close window
file_save=input('Please enter the file you would like to save to: ')