I am having trouble compiling an exe. I tried both py2exe and cxfreeze with similar results, I made an exe but it didn't work. I figured out that I needed to send the image files and sounds with it (should have thought of that to begin with). Now that I added the code for that I get a syntax error:
>c:\python26\python.exe setup.py py2exe
Here is a copy of the code from my setup file.
from distutils.core import setup
import glob
import py2exe
[glob.glob("images\menu_items\\*.gif"), glob.glob("images\menu_items\\*.png"), glob.glob("images\menu_items\\*.jpg")]),
[glob.glob("images\menu_items\\buttons\\*.gif"), glob.glob("images\menu_items\\buttons\\*.png")]),
[glob.glob("images\level_objects\\*.gif"), glob.glob("images\level_objects\\*.png")]),
[glob.glob("sounds\\*.wav"), glob.glob("sounds\\*.mid"), glob.glob("sounds\\*.mp3")],