Hi, i'm new here so bear with me on this. I have a task, due in on Friday, to read data from a file, do some calculations with it such as averages and standard deviation and then read it out to a file. I'm about half way though but I just can't seem to a) fully grasp what i'm doing and b) finish off the code in a decent manner. Also, when trying to read in the month values in the same way as the year values, the executable puts in a space between each line for no apparent reason and after hitting "enter" many times (the .csv files are large) it restarts Visual C#.
What I have up to now is:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Assignment1
class Assignment1
public static void Main()
// initial variables
string fileName = "sheffielddata.csv";
/* set up stream to file
StreamReader read = new StreamReader(fileName);
// while the file still has unread lines ...
while (read.EndOfStream == false)
// read the next line and print it to the screen
string line = read.ReadLine();
// Finds out how big the file is
int nLines = 0;
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName);
while (reader.EndOfStream == false)
string line = reader.ReadLine();
nLines = nLines + 1;
Console.WriteLine("Weather records for " + fileName);
// create the array to store the number of lines
//int[] noLines = new int[count];
// now close the file
// initialise array with number of elements
string[] weatherData = new string[nLines];
StreamReader read = new StreamReader(fileName);
int count = 0;
while (read.EndOfStream == false)
// read a line into our program
weatherData[count] = read.ReadLine();
count = count + 1;
// split each string into the separate component elements
// set deliminater
char[] delimiter = new char[] { ',' };
// calculate the number of elements in a record (we assume that
// every record has the same number of elements)
int nElements = (weatherData[0].Split(delimiter)).Length;
// initialise the array
string[,] weatherRecords = new string[nLines, nElements];
// read record elements into array
for (int i = 0; i < nLines; i++)
string[] tmp = weatherData[i].Split(delimiter);
for (int j = 0; j < nElements; j++)
weatherRecords[i, j] = tmp[j].Trim(null);
// In theory we now have the .csv file as a 2D array
for (int i = 0; i < nLines; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < nElements; j++)
// Console.WriteLine(weatherRecords[i,j]);
// search for a record by year
Console.WriteLine("To search for a set of data, enter the year:");
string nyear = Console.ReadLine();
int nYear = int.Parse(nyear);
Console.WriteLine("Shows high and low temps, average frost and rainfall in mm for the year {0}", nyear);
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15:0}{1,-15:0}{2,-15:0}{3,-15:0}", "Max temp", "Low temp", "Av frost", "rainfall(mm)");
// We could put in error checking to see that it is a valid year.
float maxTemp = 0;
float minTemp = 999;
double max = 0;
double min = 999;
double average = 0, totalMax = 0, totalMin = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nLines; i++)
int yearArrval = int.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 0]);
// match the year and show it's details
if (yearArrval == nYear)
if (float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 2]) > maxTemp)
maxTemp = float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 2]);
if (float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 3]) < minTemp)
minTemp = float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 3]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15:0}{1,-15:0}{2,-15:0}{3,-15:0}", weatherRecords[i, 2], weatherRecords[i, 3], weatherRecords[i, 4], weatherRecords[i, 5]);
//find max temp by year
double yearTempmax = double.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 2]);
if (yearTempmax > max)
max = yearTempmax;
//find min temp by year
double yearTempmin = double.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 3]);
if (yearTempmin < min)
min = yearTempmin;
// find average year temp
if (nYear == yearArrval)
totalMax = totalMax + maxTemp;
totalMin = totalMin + minTemp;
average = (totalMin + totalMax) / 24;
Console.WriteLine("Max temp in year " + nyear + " is " + maxTemp);
Console.WriteLine("Min temp in year " + nyear + " is " + minTemp);
Console.WriteLine("The average temperature in " + nyear + " is " + Math.Round(average, 2) + (char)176 + "c");
// search for a record by month
Console.WriteLine("To search for a set of data, enter the month (1 for Jan, 2 for Feb etc:)");
string nmonth = Console.ReadLine();
int nMonth = int.Parse(nmonth);
Console.WriteLine("Shows high and low temps, average frost and rainfall in mm for the month {0}", nMonth);
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15:0}{1,-15:0}{2,-15:0}{3,-15:0}", "Max temp", "Low temp", "Av frost", "rainfall(mm)");
//We could put in error checking to see that it is a valid month.
float maxTemp2 = 0;
float minTemp2 = 999;
double max2 = 0;
double min2 = 999;
double average2 = 0, totalMax2 = 0, totalMin2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nLines; i++)
int monthArrval = int.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 1]);
// match the month and show it's details
if (monthArrval == nMonth)
if (float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 2]) > maxTemp2)
maxTemp2 = float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 2]);
if (float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 3]) < minTemp2)
minTemp2 = float.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 3]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,-15:0}{1,-15:0}{2,-15:0}{3,-15:0}", weatherRecords[i, 2], weatherRecords[i, 3], weatherRecords[i, 4], weatherRecords[i, 5]);
//find max temp by month
double monthTempmax = double.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 2]);
if (monthTempmax > max)
max = monthTempmax;
//find min temp by year
double monthTempmin = double.Parse(weatherRecords[i, 3]);
if (monthTempmin < min)
min = monthTempmin;
// find average year temp
if (nYear == monthArrval)
totalMax = totalMax + maxTemp;
totalMin = totalMin + minTemp;
average = (totalMin + totalMax) / 24;
// write our statistics to a file
StreamWriter write = new StreamWriter("Statistics.txt");
write.WriteLine("The statistics calculated for our data set are:");
write.WriteLine("Max temp in year " + nyear + " is " + maxTemp);
write.WriteLine("Min temp in year " + nyear + " is " + minTemp);
write.WriteLine("The average temperature in " + nyear + " is " + Math.Round(average, 2) + (char)176 + "c");