I have a reportviewer that prints a second empty page with the header only nothing in the body.
I have searched for this issue and I learned that the Width of the report body should be equal to the page width minus the right and left Margins.
So I have set the page margins to 0 and shrunk the page width considerably and I still get a last empty page.
What else can I do to eliminate that empty page.
Thank you

is reportviewer displaying report properly ?
if it is, u cant use the easy way.


Thanks Bilal for your Reply.
Yes it is displaying the report properly.
I'm using reportviewer not CrystalReportViewer I do not have the printreport() option.
Anyways I'm exporting the reports to a PDF.
When I click printlayout or export it I do get the second page with the header only.

it would be easy to help if u post your code.

Thanks Bilal for trying
But I recreated a new RDLC and I get it right this time.

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