Hi all,
I'v just installed SQLServer 2008 RC and concurrently it installed Visual Studio 2008 automaticlly.
But I got a problem, when I creat a new project in Visual Studio 2k8, there were only 2 Project types : "Business Intelligence projects" and "Visual Studio Solutions".
It's different to what I had seen in some tutorials.
I am new to C# and I just wanna create some programs like "Hello World.cs" or some simple programs like that. I wonder which Project type above I should choose!
If the 2 types are not suitable, what should I do?
Thank you!

PS: Im not good at English, ain't I? Huh? ^^

I would uninstall the VS and start over as a separate install (if you can).

Yes i also prefer to do a seperate installation,if you can....


Yes,...You can go with new installation of VS2008 pack..

Ok, thank you guys! I 'll install Visual Studio separate from SQLServer2008!

Yes that's good.If you have any further issues after your reinstallation you can post it here...good luck..

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