Greetings to Everyone :cool: ,

I just would like to know how to run/launch/start the IDLE ide of python in linux? (In windows the IDLE ide comes part of the python download, I assume its the same for linux??! or not?!)

I currently have installed ubuntu linux, its already got python 2.4, and i can run the python interactive mode, but how do I run the IDLE ide?

I've tried running command/s at the shell - idle, idle-python2.4 but to no avail. Hopefully someone can enlighten me, pleeeaase!


You have to install idle first (via apt-get or synaptic) ;) The dependency package is called idle, the current one idle-python2.4.

Regards, mawe

There is a cheater way. You need to (this is very important):

cd into your idlelib directory
run: python

It raises an error if you havnt cd-d into idlelib


You have to install idle first (via apt-get or synaptic) ;) The dependency package is called idle, the current one idle-python2.4.

Regards, mawe

@ mawe :cool:

thanks, I got IDLE running already(by synaptic), i just got ubuntu linux installed recently, and just well,...assumed that the IDLE came with python installed already, like it is with the python windows download, anyways thanks problem solved!

sudo yum install python-tools


sudo apt-get install idle

well here is a thought. sudo apt-get install idle . that should work. yo know.

well here is a thought

Well here is an other thought,read the date of the thread Feb 26th, 2006
So maybe 5 years later NetByte now it,or have given up python years ago:confused:

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