i need to help me to understand this code
how its work
depend on what it determine how many time yopu should enter values

#include <stdio.h>
#define SIZE 100
#define SENTINEL -99999
#define TRUE 1
 #define FALSE 0
#define READ 10
 #define WRITE 11
 #define LOAD 20
 #define STORE 21
 #define ADD 30
 #define SUBTRACT 31
 #define DIVIDE 32
 #define MULTIPLY 33
 #define BRANCH 40
 #define BRANCHNEG 41
 #define BRANCHZERO 42
 #define HALT 43
 /* function prototypes */
 void load( int *loadMemory );
 void execute( int *memory, int *acPtr, int *icPtr, int *irPtr,
 int *opCodePtr, int *opPtr );
 void dump( int *memory, int accumulator, int instructionCounter,
 int instructionRegister, int operationCode,
 int operand );
 int validWord( int word );
 int main() 
 int memory[ SIZE ]; /* define memory array */
 int ac = 0; /* accumulator */
 int ic = 0; /* instruction counter */
 int opCode = 0; /* operation code */
 int op = 0; /* operand */
 int ir = 0; /* instruction register */
 int i; /* counter */
 /* clear memory */
 for ( i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) {
 memory[ i ] = 0;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 } /* end for */
 load( memory );
 execute( memory, &ac, &ic, &ir, &opCode, &op );
 dump( memory, ac, ic, ir, opCode, op );
 return 0; /* indicate successful termination */
 } /* end main */
 /* function loads instructions */
 void load( int *loadMemory )
 long int instruction; /* current instruction */
 int i = 0; /* indexing variable */
 printf( "%s\n\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n\n",
 "*** Welcome to Simpletron ***",
 "*** Please enter your program one instruction ***",
 "*** ( or data word ) at a time. I will type the ***",
 "*** location number and a question mark ( ? ). ***",
 "*** You then type the word for that location. ***",
 "*** Type the sentinel -99999 to stop entering ***",
 "*** your program. ***" );
 printf( "00 ? " );
 scanf( "%ld", &instruction ); /* read instruction */
 /* while sentinel is not read from user */
 while ( instruction != SENTINEL ) {
 /* test instruction for validity */
 if ( !validWord( instruction ) ) {
 printf( "Number out of range. Please enter again.\n" );
 } /* end if */
 else { /* load instruction */
 loadMemory[ i++ ] = instruction;
 } /* end else */
 printf( "%02d ? ", i );
 scanf( "%ld", &instruction );
 } /* end while */
 } /* end function load */
 /* carry out the commands */
 void execute( int *memory, int *acPtr, int *icPtr, int *irPtr,
	 int *opCodePtr, int *opPtr )
 int fatal = FALSE; /* fatal error flag */
 int temp; /* temporary holding space */
 printf( "\n************START SIMPLETRON EXECUTION************\n\n" );
 /* separate operation code and operand */
 *irPtr = memory[ *icPtr ];
 *opCodePtr = *irPtr / 100;
 *opPtr = *irPtr % 100;
 /* loop while command is not HALT or fatal */
 while ( *opCodePtr != HALT && !fatal ) {
 /* determine appropriate action */
 switch ( *opCodePtr ) {
 /* read data into location in memory */
 case READ:
  printf( "Enter an integer: " );
  scanf( "%d", &temp );
  /* check for validity */
  while ( !validWord( temp ) ) {
  printf( "Number out of range. Please enter again: " );
  scanf( "%d", &temp );
  } /* end while */
  memory[ *opPtr ] = temp; /* write to memory */
  ++( *icPtr );
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* write data from memory to screen */
  case WRITE:
  printf( "Contents of %02d: %d\n", *opPtr, memory[ *opPtr ] );
  ++( *icPtr );
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* load data from memory into accumulator */
  case LOAD:
  *acPtr = memory[ *opPtr ];
  ++( *icPtr );
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* store data from accumulator into memory */
  case STORE:
  memory[ *opPtr ] = *acPtr;
  ++( *icPtr );
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* add data from memory to data in accumulator */
  case ADD:
  temp = *acPtr + memory[ *opPtr ];
  /* check validity */
  if ( !validWord( temp ) ) {
  printf( "*** FATAL ERROR: Accumulator overflow ***\n" );
  printf( "*** Simpletron execution " );
  printf( "abnormally terminated ***\n" );
  fatal = TRUE;
  } /* end if */
  else {
 *acPtr = temp;
  ++( *icPtr );
  } /* end else */
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* subtract data in memory from data in accumulator */
  case SUBTRACT:
  temp = *acPtr - memory[ *opPtr ];
  /* check validity */
  if ( !validWord( temp ) ) {
  printf( "*** FATAL ERROR: Accumulator overflow ***\n" );
  printf( "*** Simpletron execution " );
  printf( "abnormally terminated ***\n" );
  fatal = TRUE;
  } /* end if */
  else {
  *acPtr = temp;
  ++( *icPtr );
  } /* end else */
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* divide data in memory into data in accumulator */
  case DIVIDE:
  /* check for divide by zero error */
  if ( memory[ *opPtr ] == 0 ) {
  printf("*** FATAL ERROR: Attempt to divide by zero ***\n");
  printf( "*** Simpletron execution " );
  printf( "abnormally terminated ***\n" );
  fatal = TRUE;
  } /* end if */
  else {
  *acPtr /= memory[ *opPtr ];
  ++( *icPtr );
  } /* end else */
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* multiply data in memory by data in accumulator */
  case MULTIPLY:
  temp = *acPtr * memory[ *opPtr ];
  /* check validity */
  if ( !validWord( temp ) ) {
  printf( "*** FATAL ERROR: Accumulator overflow ***\n" );
  printf( "*** Simpletron execution " );
  printf( "abnormally terminated ***\n" );
  fatal = TRUE;
  } /* end if */
 else {
  *acPtr = temp;
  ++( *icPtr );
 } /* end else */
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* branch to specific location in memory */
  case BRANCH:
  *icPtr = *opPtr;
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* branch to location in memory if accumulator is negative */
  /* if accumulator is negative */
  if ( *acPtr < 0 ) {
  *icPtr = *opPtr;
  } /* end if */
  else {
  ++( *icPtr );
  } /* end else */
  break; /* exit switch */
  /* branch to location in memory if accumulator is zero */
  /* if accumulator is zero */
  if ( *acPtr == 0 ) {
  *icPtr = *opPtr;
  } /* end if */
  else {
  ++( *icPtr );
  } /* end else */
  break; /* exit switch */
  printf( "*** FATAL ERROR: Invalid opcode detected ***\n" );
  printf( "*** Simpletron execution " );
  printf( "abnormally terminated ***\n" );
  fatal = TRUE;
 break; /* exit switch */
  } /* end switch */
  /* separate next operation code and operand */
  *irPtr = memory[ *icPtr ];
  *opCodePtr = *irPtr / 100;
  *opPtr = *irPtr % 100;
  } /* end while */
  printf( "\n*************END SIMPLETRON EXECUTION*************\n" );
 } /* end function execute */
  /* print out name and content of each register and memory */
  void dump( int *memory, int accumulator, int instructionCounter,
  int instructionRegister, int operationCode,
  int operand )
  int i; /* counter */
  "REGISTERS:", "accumulator", accumulator, "instructioncounter",
  instructionCounter, "instructionregister", instructionRegister,
  "operationcode", operationCode, "operand", operand );
  printf( "\n\nMEMORY:\n " );
  /* print column headers */
  for ( i = 0; i <= 9; i++ ) {
  printf( "%5d ", i );
  } /* end for */
  /* print row headers and memory contents */
  for ( i = 0; i < SIZE; i++ ) {
 /* print in increments of 10 */
  if ( i % 10 == 0 ) {
  printf( "\n%2d ", i );
  } /* end if */
  printf( "%+05d ", memory[ i ] );
  } /* end for */
  printf( "\n" );
  } /* end function dump */
  // function tests validity of word 
  int validWord( int word )
  return word >= -9999 && word <= 9999;
  } /* end function validWord */

I guess this code is similar to a simple assembler where the various instructions have been given opcodes . Depending upon the instruction you enter the appropriate switch case is executed.What working do u want to be explained depends on what doubts you have.Please be more specific.

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