so im trying to make it so that pressing enter without inputting any value, will break the loop, however, an empty string can be used because of

for i in range(len(x_str_array)):
x[i] = int(x_str_array[i]) bit.
'Exercise 7.3'

# modified program from exercise 7.2

while x !=z:
x_str = raw_input('Enter Start,Stop,Increment: ')
if x==z:
x_str_array = x_str.split(',') # splits the string where a comma pops up
x = range(len(x_str_array)) # Preallocation step- makes x= the same length as x_str_array
for i in range(len(x_str_array)):
x[i] = int(x_str_array[i])
for number in range(a,b,c):
print "number:", number, " square:", number**2, " cube:", number**3

please advise me on this.

p.s yes i am a complete novice

i thought maybe using an empty tuple or list or something, but that wouldn't work either.

To break the loop on empty input, use

while True:
    x_str = raw_input('Enter Start,Stop,Increment: ')
    if not x_str:

edit: where is indention in your code ? Configure your editor to indent with 4 spaces when you hit the tab key.

To break the loop on empty input, use

while True:
    x_str = raw_input('Enter Start,Stop,Increment: ')
    if not x_str:

edit: where is indention in your code ? Configure your editor to indent with 4 spaces when you hit the tab key.

thank you very much Gribouillis, i have been stuck on this for ages. im very grateful!

Your code indention is completely lost.

Your code indention is completely lost.

yeah, i know, i posted the code onto a forum earlier and lost the indentation. also didnt' get any replies. sorry about that

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