i want to create shapes like circles,rectangles and others with the help of c language programming.basically i want to make the sign of matrix in my program.how can i do this?

It depends upon whether you want to create these shapes in a text console/window, or graphically. What is your operating system and desktop environment?

Umm.. u dont need all that in it... All u need is random characters showing up in different spaces and they should be green in color !! And yes shud give the illussion of moving upwards in a straight line !

i want to create shapes like circles,rectangles and others with the help of c language programming.basically i want to make the sign of matrix in my program.how can i do this?

Please be clear in describing
as rubberman said,
Do want to create/show shapes graphically?
Try using Forger's

the sign of matrix

Do you mean the movie? Please clarify this

If this is true then, like adityatandon said, there is no need to make shapes
Just use an almost infinite loop in displaying 0's and 1's at the console

i m using windows7 with 64 bit and turbo c++. i want to make a program in which a circle is shown at the output screen.also i want to show square,rectangle graphically on the output screen.

Your compiler should have a graphics.h file (not there in Dev C) and you can find the programs over the internet or in some authors book.

Your compiler should have a graphics.h file (not there in Dev C) and you can find the programs over the internet or in some authors book.

graphics.h is extremely rare. I know of only 1 compiler series that had (emphasis on had) one. So don't expect to find it, especially in current compilers.

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