Hi everyone, I am trying to make a program for my boyfriend to use at his business to keep track of cover charges. I am so lost as to what loop structure to put in and where to put it. If someone could take a look and please let me know what I should do I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Private Sub btnCoverEnter_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCoverEnter.Click
Dim deczerocover As Decimal = 0D
Dim decfivecover As Decimal = 5D
Dim deceightcover As Decimal = 8D
Dim dectencover As Decimal = 10D
Dim deccover As Decimal
Dim dectotalcover As Decimal
Dim intnumberofentries As Integer = 1
Dim intmaxnumberofentries As Integer = 100
'choose a radio button and then click enter button.
'each entry will appear in a listbox along with keeping a running total
'of all monies in the drawer
If radZero.Checked Then
deccover = deczerocover
ElseIf radFive.Checked Then
deccover = decfivecover
ElseIf radEight.Checked Then
deccover = deceightcover
ElseIf radTen.Checked Then
deccover = dectencover
End If
lblCover.Text = deccover
dectotalcover = dectotalcover + deccover
lbltotalcover.Text = dectotalcover
End Sub