
I'm looking for c++ api example for ncurses programming and needless
to say that it is not available except 7 part snake game development
video on youtube which is a bit difficult for a noob like me to
understand. GNU ncurse 5.9 documentation heading states that it has
c++ binding but couldn't find any.
I want to print simple output from cpp code inside ncurse console
window and want to use ncurse i/o like printw(),mvwprintw() etc.
with c++ i/o cout to print string or int values such as

cout << intX <<endl;


cout << myObj->intVal<<endl;

and please let us know where the gnu c++ api example for ncurse is
available or where i should look into to get this with your help.
Thanks and regards...

How about http://ndk-xx.sourceforge.net/?

thanx for your reply. I've tried to install ndk++ but couldn't due to make error of
one of its three packages. ncursesxx make error. I use slackware 13. GNU c++ api would be better as i don't have to install any third party package.

Have you looked at the ncurses code?

Check ncurses-5.9/c++ . Comes complete with demo.cc and a README .

Have you looked at the ncurses code?

Check ncurses-5.9/c++ . Comes complete with demo.cc and a README .

Thnx. I've downloaded ncurse 5.9 and i think it would solve my problem
though i'm, as being a noob worried to replace prev version 5.7 but
the demo.cc has given me a fair idea about c++ integration.

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