
I am new in this C#, and i need to know what are the first thing should i know in C#.and what program should i make for the beginners like me.

Thank you in advance.

Start with a winforms hello world app and take it from there. What other languages are you comfortable with?

Looking at your profile: It seems you are familiar with VB(4,5,6) and also Java.

C# will most closely resemble Java for you.
After you've built the skeleton "Hello, World" as @skatamatic suggests, you should take one of your simple, but successful Java programs and convert it to C#.

You'll be able to see the difference in primitives (bool vs. boolean) and the similarities.

If you convert something you already know, you'll at least have a design to follow.

commented: Nice detective work :P +8

You can start by knowing what c# can do for developing a program

then start with the Data Types

then with the Logical, Operators, Comparator

then Control Statements

then Loops

then Arrays

then Methods

then Classes

while you are learning these,

you can either use:

console application (command line in windows)


windows forms application(graphical user interface)

to develop a tiny programs

you can use an IDE(integrated development environment)

to get started

one of that i like most is Visual c# express by microsoft

which is free

download it online!

goodluck to your learning!


You can start by knowing what c# can do for developing a program

then start with the Data Types

then with the Logical, Operators, Comparator

then Control Statements

then Loops

then Arrays

then Methods

then Classes

while you are learning these,

you can either use:

console application (command line in windows)


windows forms application(graphical user interface)

to develop a tiny programs

you can use an IDE(integrated development environment)

to get started

one of that i like most is Visual c# express by microsoft

which is free

download it online!

goodluck to your learning!


Hi anthonyjpv,

Thank you so much for this steps in learning new language like C#...I am going to compare this steps you have mentioned, in other language like java so that i can see what
are the difference in there I/O statement,data types ,loop controls.and etc...thank you for this idea in giving this steps.

more power to you always.

Looking at your profile: It seems you are familiar with VB(4,5,6) and also Java.

C# will most closely resemble Java for you.
After you've built the skeleton "Hello, World" as @skatamatic suggests, you should take one of your simple, but successful Java programs and convert it to C#.

You'll be able to see the difference in primitives (bool vs. boolean) and the similarities.

If you convert something you already know, you'll at least have a design to follow.

Hi thines01,

Thank you for your suggestions.so i will give a try on this,and i will try to convert some java program to c#,but first of all i will try to study the data types,I/O ,loop controls,etc..

Thank you so much,I hope i can ask some help again with you guys...

Best Regards,


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