i m trying CvRunningAvg() function by passing two IplIMages , alpha value and a NULL mask value. it gives me some runtime terminal error. plz can anyone help me??

OK, CvRunningAvg() seems to be a function from the Emgu OpenCV .NET implementation. You might have more luck posting this problem on their discussion forum at http://www.emgu.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=8, since there will be many more people familiar with this specific set of libraries there.

A piece of advice though: They're definitely going to ask you what the error in the terminal is, so I'd post that in the question that you ask there too.

Also, please mark this thread as solved :o)

The mainstream library (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opencvlibrary/) does work under C++, and a couple of people around here are familiar with it (I've built against it before, but nothing fancy), but I agree with ravenous that it would be helpful to see the compiler error.

i ve the same problem

sam33, please start your own thread for this, and post a small block of code (with code tags) that includes that function call.

cant find help in above mentioned sites.......kindly someone help

Did you read what I wrote? Start your own thread, post a section of your code. No one can help you if they don't have a context for it.

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