A snippet:
package com.deitel.jhtp7.ch14;
public class AccountRecord
1. What does the above package statement imply. As in how(path) this AccountRecord.java will be stored? As in what folder hierarchy should I create?
2. In Command prompt I have set my Current Directory as :
E:\RDL\Dropbox\Coding\Core Java\File
So will the file AccountRecord.java be inside the above folder structure?
3. E:\RDL\Dropbox\Coding\Core Java> set path=%path%;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin
This is how I set path to the jdk, is that of any significance for package as in do I have to do anything with this to store the .java and .class file and compile and execute process?
4. Also what should be the compile and execute command based on above package?
Please explain in easy terms.
Thanks in advance.