
i made an application using VB.NET 2010. i have 5 forms. i want to know how to make one common navigation (like in a webpage) for this application.

Is it possible to have the menu and header static and loads each form in one dynamic container.

I hope my questing is clear :P just to make it more cleared, it is more like having a templates in php coding where we can load other page in a particular area without having to reload the entire page with each links.

>> Is it possible to have the menu and header static and loads each form in one dynamic container.
Yes. You can make parent-child form.
Say Form1 as the container/parent and form2 as child.
Set IsMdiContainer in Form1 Properties as True.
In menu event :

Dim a As New Form2
 a.MdiParent = Me
commented: cool +1

Wow, exactly what i need :) thank you so much.

Hence problem solved ;)

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