The program is supposed to compute the values of Euler's Gamma Function using an infinite product (formula #15 in the link), and it does so decently for low values, but the error gets too big for bigger values.
Using both Mathematica and Maxima for reference this is what I get for Gamma(19.9):
Mathematica and Maxima difference: 9.6e2
Difference between my functions and Mathematica: 1.79e11
Difference between both of my functions: 1.21e5
What surprises me as well is similarity of results for both of my functions, because the second one gets to multiply values like 1e66 and 1e-61, while the first doesn't.
Compiled under Win7/Cygwin using g++ version 4.5.3 with -O2 flag.
Just now run it without -O2, will see if it makes a difference.
My question is: is this error due to my mistake, or is it due to inner workings of C++?
Code below.
long int const MAX_ITERS=1e8
long double eulerGamma(long double xVal){
long double base=exp(-GAMMA*xVal)/xVal;
long double product=1;
for(int i=1;i<MAX_ITERS;i++){
return base*product;
long double eulerGamma2(long double xVal){
long double base=exp(-GAMMA*xVal)/xVal;
long double product=1;
long double expon=0;
for(int i=1;i<MAX_ITERS;i++){
product*=(long double)i/((long double)i+xVal);
expon+=(long double)1/(long double)i;
return base*exp(xVal*expon)*product;
Thanks in advance.