So i have bought this book about assembly language but they use Netwide assembler and i dont have an IDE / COmpiler for it. I have looked at NASM origanal website but i din't fid any IDE. I use FASM, i dont know if NASM will work with FASM. Any help will be apreciated.

Thank you...:icon_rolleyes:

RadASM is a good call

There are actually a number of them out there, at least two of which are actually called 'NASM-IDE'. The more familiar one is probably this one, though it has it's problems - many people dislike it for it's flakiness. Another popular choice is RadASM, which is said to have excellent NAMS support (it is more or less a general Assembly-language editor, with support for several assemblers). I haven't tried it myself so I cannot give much more than that about it - I think I'll give it a try sometime soon, though.

For my own part, I generally use Notepad++ or some similar general-purpose editor (I use EMACS on Linux a lot of the time). I often find that the flexibility of editing several different types of programs in the same environment worth giving up some of the IDE type tools. That, however, is a personal preference and one you might not share.

I also believe eclipse has a ASM plug-in. I also think the code::blocks team is working on ASM compatibility. If you need a really light-weight one GNU NANO looks at the extention and does syntax highlighting, minix version of nano doesnt do that.

Just use Notepad or Notepad++, both are free and easy to use.

The Zeus IDE is a language neutral which means it can be configured for almost any programming language.

With a bit of tweaking it should be possible to integrate the Netwide assembler into the IDE.

I suggest you try SASM. It supports syntax highlighting, debugger and many other features. SASM works right away out of the box and is well suited for beginners.

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