i have netbeans 6.0.1 but when i just creat a file it gives error even at the line which comes by default. For example @Remote or javax.ejb i have uninstalled and installed it again than to the previous installtion effects remains as it is.

Nobody will be wise without sample of that project. Secondly it would be good idea to reinstall NetBeans or even upgrade it since there is a version 7.1 out for some time...

It would help if you posted an exact complete copy of the error message(s).

It only shows red line. Ane message "symbol not found"
It is predfined annotation

What version of Java do you have?

Netbeans 6.0.1 and java 1.5 and 1.7.
Which should i use with neatbeans?

1.7 is the current version, with the latest bugfixes.
The examples you gave look like Java EE. Is it possible you have only installed Java SE?

I have installed full netbeanas6.0 with jdk1.7

Yes, but was that Java EE (Enterprise Edition)or Java SE (Standard Edition)? Your code needs EE

Ya its EE

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