How can I forward declare a struct/custom type in my include? I'm trying to write an include but it keeps telling me incomplete type or type not declared..
I do not have a .CPP to go with it.. I wrote everything in here as I have never written an include before. The problem is at line 57, MidPointBox. Also Am I supposed to use templates?
#include <math.h>
/** Definitions **/
#define LEN(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a))
#define HIGH(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(*a) - 1)
#define Repeat do{
#define Until(condition) }while(!(condition));
/** Types **/
struct Box;
struct Point
int X, Y;
Point() {X = Y = 0;}; //Default constructor.
Point(int X_, int Y_) : X(X_), Y(Y_) {}; //Alternate constructor.
~Point(){}; //Destructor.
int operator == (const Point &PT) const //Are the points Equal?
return ((X == PT.X) && (Y == PT.Y));
int operator != (const Point &PT) const //Are the points Not equal?
return ((X != PT.X) && (Y != PT.Y));
Point& operator = (const Point& PT)
if (this != &PT)
X = PT.X;
Y = PT.Y;
return *this;
Point operator += (Point PT)
X += PT.X;
Y += PT.Y;
return *this;
Point operator -= (Point PT)
X -= PT.X;
Y -= PT.Y;
return *this;
Point MidPointBox (Box B)
int MX = ((B.X1 + B.Y1)/2);
int MY = ((B.X2 + B.Y2)/2);
return Point(MX, MY);
friend inline Point operator+(Point P1, Point P2) //Add two points.
return Point(P1.X + P2.X, P1.Y + P2.Y);
friend inline Point operator-(Point P1, Point P2) //Subtract two points.
return Point(P1.X - P2.X, P1.Y - P2.Y); //No absolute value needed since points can have negative values.
friend inline int Distance(Point P1, Point P2) //Friend is for Inheritance and friendship of a Class/Struct.
return (hypot(P1.X - P2.X, P1.Y - P2.Y));
friend inline Point Invert(Point PT) //Invert a point.
return Point(-PT.X, -PT.Y);
struct Box
int X1, Y1, X2, Y2;
Box(){X1 = Y1 = X2 = Y2 = 0;}; //Default Constructor.
Box(int X1_, int Y1_, int X2_, int Y2_) : X1(X1_), Y1(Y1_), X2(X2_), Y2(Y2_) {}; //Alternate Constructor.
~Box(){}; //Destructor.
int operator == (const Box &B) const //Are the Boxes the same?
return ((X1 == B.X1) && (X2 == B.X2) && (Y1 == B.Y1) && (Y2 == B.Y2));
int operator != (const Box &B) const //Are the Boxes Not the same?
return ((X1 != B.X1) && (X2 != B.X2) && (Y1 != B.Y1) && (Y2 != B.Y2));
Box operator += (Box B)
X1 += B.X1;
Y1 += B.Y1;
X2 += B.X2;
Y2 += B.Y2;
return *this;
Box operator -= (Box B)
X1 -= B.X1;
Y1 -= B.Y1;
X2 -= B.X2;
Y2 -= B.Y2;
return *this;
Box PointToBox (Point UpperLeft, Point LowerRight)
return Box(UpperLeft.X, UpperLeft.Y, LowerRight.X, LowerRight.Y);
Box& operator = (const Box& B)
if (this != &B)
X1 = B.X1;
Y1 = B.Y1;
X2 = B.X2;
Y2 = B.Y2;
return *this;
friend inline Box operator + (Box B1, int S) //Increase Box Size.
return Box(B1.X1 + S, B1.Y1 + S, B1.X2 + S, B1.Y2 + S);
friend inline Box operator - (Box B1, int S) //Decrease Box Size.
if (((B1.X1 - S) < 0) || ((B1.Y1 - S) < 0) || ((B1.X2 - S) < 0) || ((B1.Y2 - S) < 0))
return Box(-1, -1, -1, -1); //Return -1's if its not a valid box.
else if (((B1.X1 - S) == 0) || ((B1.Y1 - S) == 0) || ((B1.X2 - S) == 0) || ((B1.Y2 - S) == 0))
return Box(0, 0, 0, 0); //Returns 0's because it becomes a point.
return Box(B1.X1 + S, B1.Y1 + S, B1.X2 + S, B1.Y2 + S); //Return the resized box.