first off... a litte explanation as to what I'm doing...
this is basically a way for me to create an update system for my program...
the webhost I'm using allows hot-file linkage, so there's nothing that's improper...
(except for my compy not having net)
the structure I have for my setup involves a series of .py files in a single directory:
-Universal Model Converter/
(reason for the 'UMC' directory is it's the name of the actual .py file for the program)
what will happen is the current version on the local machine will be compaired with the versions on the server:
SvrVsn = int([D.replace('.py','') for D in os.listdir(' Model Converter/') if D.endswith('.py')][-1])
if SvrVsn > CurVsn:
print 'Update detected!'
pass #you get the point
my problem (as in all obviousness) is os.listdir()
since it's only capable of handling local calls >_>
my question is... what can I use in place of it??
(again... no net on compy (posting from Wii), and all I have is the Python (2.6.2) installation)
EDIT: Note: SvrVsn would be 4 as it would be the last value in the list