Hi everybody! I am pretty close to finishing this program. It is supposed to calculate a person's energy use based on their past and current bill. I am stuck on the calculations and else/if statements. Thanks in advance for any feedback.
package craft_week4;
//Import scanner library
import java.util.Scanner;
//Begin Class main
public class main {
//Begin Main Method
public static void main(String[] args) {
//New Scanner Object sc
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int prevRead;
int currentRead;
//Welcome message
System.out.print("Welcome to the City Power Bill Calculator!\n");
//User input here
System.out.print("Please enter your previous meter reading: \n");
prevRead = sc.nextInt(); //Analyze and store input
System.out.print("Please enter your current meter reading: \n");
currentRead = sc.nextInt(); //Analyze and store input
//Rate A: For 500 KwHs or less = $0.0809 / KwH
//Rate B: For 501 to 900 KwHs = $0.091 / KwH
//Rate C: For greater than 901 KwHs = $0.109 / KwH
//Utilities Tax is 3.46% regardless of usage.
calcRateA = (currentRead / .0809);
calcRateB = (currentRead / .091);
calcRateC = (currentRead / .109);
calcTax = (Rate * .0346);
int calcSubtotal = (Rate + calcTax);
int calcTotal = (calcTax + Rate);
int calcUsage =
//Output derived value
System.out.printf("Your usage was: \n", + calcUsage);
if Rate < 500 then multiply by .0809
System.out.printf("Your rate is: %.4f\n", + calcRateA);
else if Rate is from 501 to 900 multiply by .091
System.out.printf("Your rate is: %.4f\n", + calcRateB);
else Rate > 901 multiply by .109
System.out.printf("Your rate is: %.4f\n", + calcRateC);
System.out.printf("Your subtotal will be: %.2f\n", + calcSubtotal);
System.out.printf("Your taxes are: %.2f\n", + calcTax);
System.out.printf("Your total bill this month is: %.2f\n", + calcTotal);
//While loop
//Setting loop count to zero
int response = 0;
int loops = 0;
System.out.print("Calculate a new usage? (-1 to Exit, 0 to Continue)\n");
while ( response == 0 ){
if ( loops == 0 ) {
//User input
System.out.print("Please enter your previous meter reading: \n");
System.out.print("Please enter your current meter reading: \n");
else if (response == -1){
//End message
System.out.print("Thank you for using this program. Goodbye!\n");
} //End Main Method
} //End Class main