
I'm having some problems with an array
i have in the definitions

Dim x(4)() as string

then when it comes to my assignments I have

x(4)(ss) = (TextBox5.Text)

but it throws an exception (Null Reference)

Can anyone help me with this?

Thx in advance

hello !
array in vb.net is defined like this

dim array(5) as string

hope this will work fine :P



Thanks for your answer, but what i'm trying to do is define a two-dimentional array with the 2nd dimention as an undefined.

try this may be this will help you



I still can't quite figure it out:

Public Class Test
    Dim x(6)() As String
    Dim y As String
    Dim ss As Integer

    Private Sub KryptonCheckButton2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles KryptonCheckButton2.Click

    End Sub

    Private Sub KryptonCheckSet1_CheckedButtonChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles KryptonCheckSet1.CheckedButtonChanged

    End Sub

    Private Sub KryptonGroupBox1_Paint(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles KryptonGroupBox1.Paint

    End Sub

    Private Sub KryptonButton1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles KryptonButton1.Click
        Dim ans As ans

        If KryptonRadioButton5.Checked = True Then
            ans = Test.ans.A1

        ElseIf KryptonRadioButton6.Checked = True Then
            ans = Test.ans.A2

        ElseIf KryptonRadioButton7.Checked = True Then
            ans = Test.ans.A3

        ElseIf KryptonRadioButton8.Checked = True Then
            ans = Test.ans.A4
        End If

        x(0)(ss) = (KryptonTextBox1.Text)
        x(1)(ss) = (KryptonTextBox2.Text)
        x(2)(ss) = (KryptonTextBox3.Text)
        x(3)(ss) = (KryptonTextBox4.Text)
        x(4)(ss) = (KryptonTextBox5.Text)
        x(5)(ss) = (ans)

        ss = (ss + 1)
    End Sub

    Enum ans
    End Enum

    Private Sub Test_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        ss = 1
    End Sub
End Class

>>i'm trying to do is define a two-dimentional array with the 2nd dimention as an undefined.
See if this helps regarding the 2D Array.

Public Class Form1
    Private x(6, 0) As String

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        x(0, 0) = "test"
        MsgBox(x(0, 0))
        x(1, 0) = "test again"
        MsgBox(x(1, 0))
    End Sub
End Class


When I tried to write to it the 2nd time (so 0, 1) it was outside the bounds of the array (IndexOutOfRange Exception)

Try Private x(6, 5) As String and that should give you plenty more Indexes inside the bounds of the array.


I need an unlimited amount in the second dimention, so like a dynamic array, because as the user types something a corrosponding value has to be added, and I need there not to be a limit to the amount they can add to the array.


Public Class Form1
    Private x(6, 0) As String

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        MsgBox("x(" & x.GetUpperBound(0) & ", " & x.GetUpperBound(1) & ")") '// FOR.TESTING.
    End Sub

    Private Sub reDimAndPreserveArray(ByVal iNumberOfArraysToAdd As Integer)
        Static iCurrentNumberOfArrays As Integer = 0
        iCurrentNumberOfArrays += iNumberOfArraysToAdd
        ReDim Preserve x(6, iCurrentNumberOfArrays)
    End Sub
End Class

Click the btn a few times for testing and anytime you need to add more arrays, just use that Sub and specify the amount of arrays to add.
.btw: it will Preserve all the previous values for the array.
Hope this helps.:)


Thanks this solved the problem. I used the redim command on every button press.

Also is it possible to save an array to file as an array rather than a series of strings? I want to be able to read from it easily without preforming splitting operations.


Solving the problem caused another. Dam.n you God!:D

I personally have no idea how to save a 2D array to a file without having to loop thru all the arrays.
You should start a thread regarding this new issue and hopefully someone will be able to shine some light on this matter.

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