My very reason for getting involved with Python was to use it as a gui for some command line programs, like eac3to, sox and neroaacenc. Previously I'd been using batch in windows and had become quite proficient.
In batch, a line to process audio with sox looks like this:
"tools\sox.exe" "name.wav" "namesox.wav" compand 0.3,1 6:-60,-50,-30 -14 -90 0.2 gain -n -1
In Python, to make it work I have to insert ' and " all over the place.
soxxy='"'+'"'+"tools\sox.exe"+'"'+' '+'"'+name+'.wav'+'"'+" "+'"'+ name+'sox.wav'+'"'+' compand 0.3,1 6:-60,-50,-30 -14 -90 0.2'+'"'
Clearly I am approaching this from the wrong direction. Could someone please point me in the correct one?