I am trying to do something like the following

my @type1_cols = qw(col1 col2 col3);
my ($col1, $col2, $col3) = split (/:/,$string);


        foreach my $col (@type1_cols){
            $hash->{$col} = ${$col};   # <---- this line is the issue. how do i do ${$col}

any help is much appreciated.

Have you tried $hash->{$col} = eval(qq(\$$col)); ?

Why not do the following?

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;

my @type1_cols = qw(col1 col2 col3);
my $string = 'beer:beef:cabbage';
my %hash;
($hash{'col1'}, $hash{'col2'}, $hash{'col3'}) = split (/:/,$string);

print Dumper(\%hash);

That looks easier to understand, to me, than having to resort to eval() .

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