I need help fixing this one error with my code. Below Im going to upload a piece of the code which im having problems with and the output error .

int main()

int vals[100];
fstream file;

string line =   "----------------------------------------------------\n";
string msg2 =   " Please select an option from the above menu --> ";
string menu1 =  " [0]    Quit \n"
	" [1]    Generate Rand Array \n"
	" [2]    Save Array to File \n"
	" [3]    Load Array from File \n"
	" [4]    Search Array \n"
	" [5]    Compute CPU Time \n"
	" [6]	 Display Generated numbers \n"
	" [7]    Sorted Search \n"
	" [8]	 lkj \n";

int sz;
int max_range= 100;
int min_range= 0;
ofstream fout;
ifstream fin;
int idx;
int val;
long t0, t1;
int op = -1;

while( op != 0)
	cout << menu1;
	cout << msg2 << endl;
	cin >> op;
	cout << line << endl;

	switch( op )

	case 0: exit(0); break;

	case 1:
		int sz;
		cout << " Please enter size of the array (sz <= 100) --> ";
		cin >> sz;

		if(sz > 1000){ //MAX_SZ
			cout << " The size you entered is not allowed ...\n";
			int max_range = 100;
			int min_range = 0;
			for( int i=0; i<sz; ++i){ 
				vals[i] = min_range +  rand() % max_range;


	case 2: 

		float n1, n2;


		for( int i=0; i<sz; ++i)
			fout << vals[i] << endl;


	case 3:
		idx = 0;
			fin >> vals[idx];

		sz = idx;
	case 4:
		cout << " Please enter the value you are looking for --->";
		cin >> val;
		idx = LinearSearchArray(vals, sz, val);
		if( idx > -1)
			cout << " The val (" << val << ") was found at index (" << idx << ") \n\n";
			cout << " The Val (" << val << ") was not found \n\n" ;

		cout << "CPU time was" << t1-t0 << "ms\n\n"; 

	case 5:

		idx = LinearSearchArray(vals, sz, val);

		 t1 = clock();

		cout << "running time in ms = " << t1-t0 << "\n";

	case 6:
		for(int i=0; i<sz; ++i)
			cout <<  vals[i] << endl;

	case 7:
		void selectionSort( int array[], int size)
			int startScan, minIndex, minValue;

			for(startScan = 0; startScan < (size = 1); startScan++)
				minIndex = startScan;
				minValue = array[startScan];
				for(int index = startScan + 1; index < size; index++)
					if ( array[index] < minValue)
						minValue = array[index];
						minIndex = index;
				array[minIndex] = array[startScan];
				array[startScan] = minValue;

	default: cout << "Invalid option...Please try again \n\n";



return 0;

12hw1.cpp(174): error C2601: 'selectionSort' : local function definitions are illegal
12hw1.cpp(62): this line contains a '{' which has not yet been matched

The error says it all: regular functions cannot be nested in C++. Move your definition of selectionSort() outside of main() and call it in case 7 instead.

The error says it all: regular functions cannot be nested in C++. Move your definition of selectionSort() outside of main() and call it in case 7 instead.

O ok thanks, I get it now and moved it outside of main and it runs now. Once again thanks

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