I have a battleship python assignment due in an hour and I can't figure out where the error is in this code. It seems like when player 2 plays sometimes the coordinates saved in Board.remaining_ships can't be deleted because they aren't there. Please please please help
Here is the error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/WingIDE.app/Contents/MacOS/src/debug/tserver/_sandbox.py", line 256, in <module>
File "/Applications/WingIDE.app/Contents/MacOS/src/debug/tserver/_sandbox.py", line 40, in bullet_positioning
ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list
import random
class Ships(object):
def __init__(self, ship_num):
'''ship_num is a list of int containing the numbers
of ships of size 2, 3, 4 and 5 squares.
self.ship_num = ship_num
self.ship_type = [5, 4, 3, 2]
class Board(object):
def __init__(self, size):
''' (Board, str) -> List
construct a square board
self.board with cols =
rows = size.
Item board[y][x] has a coodinate
of [x,y].
self.remaining_ships = []
self.missed = []
self.hit = []
self.size = int(size)
self.board = []
for row in range(int(size)):
for col in range(int(size)):
def bullet_positioning(self, coodinate):
x = coodinate[0]
y = coodinate[1]
self.board[y][x] += 10
if self.board[y][x] == 11:
def display(self):
'''print out the board
for row in self.board:
for item in row:
if (item == 1) or (item == 0):
print [' '],
elif item == 10:
print ['o'],
print ['x'],
print \
def check_hit_miss(self, coodinate):
'''return True if coodinate in board.hit or board.missed,
return False otherwise.
if (coodinate in self.hit) or (coodinate in self.missed):
return True
return False
def check_empty_point(self, coodinate):
'''return True if the coodinate is occupied by a ship,
return False otherwise
x = coodinate[0]
y = coodinate[1]
return self.board[y][x]
def ship_placement(self, ships):
'''(Board, Ships) -> Board
Return a board with ships randomly placed
in it. A block has a value of zero if it is
empty, 1 if is occupied by a ship.
new_ships = Ships(ships.ship_num[:])
new_ships.ship_type = ships.ship_type[:]
for i in range(len(new_ships.ship_num)):
#i is the index of ships.ship_num and ships.ship_type.
#It is to choose number of ships and the type of those ships(lenth).
while new_ships.ship_num[i] != 0:
check_point = False
while not check_point:
point = random_point(self)
while self.check_empty_point(point):
point = random_point(self)
x = point[0]
y = point[1]
#randomly choose a point that is not occupied by a ship.
#This is the starting point to place a ship
direction = random_direction()
#choose a direction to place the ship,
#horizontal or vertical.
if direction == 'h':
if not ((x + new_ships.ship_type[i]) > self.size):
new_row = self.board[y]
#creat a new list to tempararily store
#a modified row.
count = 0
for j in range(new_ships.ship_type[i]):
if not self.check_empty_point([x + j, y]):
new_row[x + j] = 1
count += 1
#Store 1s in new_row if
#the point on board is empty
if count == new_ships.ship_type[i]:
self.board[y] = new_row
check_point = True
new_ships.ship_num[i] -= 1
#Check if there's enough space for the ship.
#If it's enough, copy the temp row to board.
for p in range(new_ships.ship_type[i]):
self.remaining_ships.append([x + p, y])
#update the remaining_ships list
if direction == 'v':
if not ((y + new_ships.ship_type[i]) > self.size):
new_col = []
for k in range(self.size):
count = 0
for m in range(new_ships.ship_type[i]):
if not self.check_empty_point([x, y + m]):
new_col[y + m] = 1
count += 1
if count == new_ships.ship_type[i]:
for n in range(self.size):
self.board[n][x] = new_col[n]
check_point = True
new_ships.ship_num[i] -= 1
for q in range(new_ships.ship_type[i]):
self.remaining_ships.append([x, y + q])
def get_coodinates(board, player_type):
'''(Board, Str) -> List
2 for human player, 1 for computer player.
if player_type == '2':
x = int(raw_input('Please enter the x-coodinate, starting from 0:'))
while not (0 <= x < board.size):
print 'x should be a positive number smaller than % d' % board.size
x = int(raw_input(
'Please enter the x-coodinate, starting from 0:'))
y = int(raw_input('Please enter the y-coodinate, starting from 0:'))
while not (0 <= y < board.size):
print 'y should be a positive number smaller than % d' % board.size
y = int(raw_input('Please enter the y-coodinate, staring from 0:'))
while board.check_hit_miss([x, y]):
print 'You already hit this point before!'
x = int(raw_input(
'Please enter the x-coodinate, starting from 0:'))
while not(0 <= x < board.size):
print 'x should be a positive number smaller than % d'\
% board.size
x = int(raw_input(
'Please enter the x-xoodinate, stating from 0:'))
y = int(raw_input(
'Please enter the y-coodinate, staring from 0:'))
while not(0 <= y < board.size):
print 'y should be a positive number smailler than % d'\
% board.size
y = int(raw_input(
'Please enter the y-coodinate, staring from 0:'))
return [x, y]
elif player_type == '1':
point = random_point(board)
while board.check_hit_miss(point):
point = random_point(board)
#Choose random points from blocks that are not hit before
#return [x,y]
return point
def random_point(board):
'''Board -> List
Choose a random point on the board and
store the x, y coodinates in a list.
x = random.randint(0, board.size - 1)
y = random.randint(0, board.size - 1)
return [x, y]
def random_direction():
'''randomly return 'h' or 'v'
if random.randint(0, 1):
return 'h'
return 'v'
def get_info():
'''None -> dic
Get the number of players, size of the board and number of ships
in each type. Then store the information in a dictionary.
info = {}
players = raw_input(
'\nWelcome to Battleship!\n\nPlease enter number of players, 1 or 2:')
while not ((players == '1' or players == '2')):
print 'Number of players must be 1 or 2'
players = raw_input('Please enter number of players, 1 or 2:')
size = raw_input('Please enter the size of the board:')
ship_categories = 4
ship_num = []
for i in range(ship_categories):
ships = int(raw_input(
'Please enter the number of ships with lenth % d:' % (5 - i)))
info['players'] = players
info['size'] = size
info['ship_num'] = ship_num
return info
if __name__ == '__main__':
info = get_info()
ships = Ships(info['ship_num'])
#b1 for player 1 or computer; b2 for player 2 or human player
b1 = Board(info['size'])
b2 = Board(info['size'])
while 1:
print 'Player1\'s board:'
print 'Player2\'s board:'
print 'Player1\'s turn'
coodinate1 = get_coodinates(b2, '2')
print coodinate1
print 'Player1\'s board:'
print 'Player2\'s board:'
if b2.remaining_ships == []:
print 'Player one wins!'
print 'Player2\'s turn'
coodinate2 = get_coodinates(b1, info['players'])
print 'Player1\'s board:'
print 'Player2\'s board:'
if b1.remaining_ships == []:
print 'Player two wins!'