Can anyone assist me with the GUI for this program. I have tried several times will little luck. Here is the source code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Inventory1
public static void main(String[] args)
// Information on the Cds used
Cd a = new Cd( 1, "10 Years", 6, 9.49, "10 Years");
Cd b = new Cd( 2, "System of a Down", 12, 9.99, "Hypnotize");
Cd c = new Cd( 3, "Trapt", 45, 11.47, "Trapt");
Cd d = new Cd( 4, "Social Distortion", 8, 7.99, "S L and R&R");
Cd e = new Cd( 5, "Seether", 15, 11.99, "Seether" );
// Adds the Cds to the inventory class
Inventory inventory = new Inventory();
// Sorts the Cds
// Formats the Cd table
// System.out.println("---+----------------------+------"
// + "+----------+------------+------------+----------------+");
// System.out.println(String.format( "%-2s | %-15s | %2s | %7s |%7s | %10s | %10s", "#", "Name", "Qty", "Price", "Total", "Cd Title", "Restocking Fee"));
// System.out.println("---+----------------------+------"
// + "+----------+------------+------------+----------------+");
String label1;
// Creates a for loop to print out the Cds
for( int i = 0; i < inventory.getCount(); i++ ) {
GUI gui = new GUI();
gui.setSize(275, 180);
gui.setVisible( true );
Product product = inventory.get(i);
System.out.println( product );
} // End For loop
DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("$#,##0.00");
String value = format.format(inventory.value() );
System.out.println( "\nThe entire inventory is worth: " + value);
} // End main
} // End Class Inventory 1
class Product {
private String CD1;
private int stock1;
private double cost1;
private int invent1;
// Four-argument constructor
public Product ( int invent, String CD, int stock, double cost )
invent1 = invent;
CD1 = CD;
stock1 = stock;
cost1 = cost;
} // End four-argument Product constructor
// Set Inventory Number
public void setInvent1( int invent )
invent1 = invent; // Should validate
} // End method SetInvent
//Return Inventory Number
public int getInvent1()
return invent1;
} // End method getInvent1
// Set CD name
public void setCD1( String CD )
CD1 = CD; // Should validate
} // End method setCD
// Return CD name
public String getCD1()
return CD1;
} // End method getCD
// Set the number of CDs in stock
public void setStock1( int stock )
stock1 = stock; // Should validate
} // End method setStock
// Return number of CDs in stock
public int getStock1()
return stock1;
} // End method getStock
// Sets the cost for the CD
public void setCost1( double cost )
cost1 = cost; // Should validate
} // End method setCost
// Return cost for CD
public double getCost1()
return cost1;
} // End method getCost1
// Determines what the total value of the CDs in the inventory
public double total()
return cost1 * stock1;
} // End method total
public String toString()
return String.format("%-2s %-20s %4d %6.2f %8.2f ", invent1, CD1, stock1, cost1, total());
} // End Class Product
public class Inventory {
private Product cds[];
private int count;
public Inventory() {
cds = new Product[150]; // creates an array for cds
count = 0; // creates counter
} // End Inventory constructor
public void add(Product a) {
cds[count++] = a;
public Product get(int index) {
return cds[index];
public void bubbleSort() {
int b = getCount();
for( int sort = 1; sort < b; sort++ ) {
for( int i = 0; i < b - sort; i++ ) {
String name1 = cds[i].getCD1();
String name2 = cds[i + 1].getCD1();
if (name1.compareToIgnoreCase(name2) > 0) {
Product temp = cds[i];
cds[i] = cds[i + 1];
cds[i + 1] = temp;
} // End if
} // end if
} // end for loop
} // end sort
public double value() {
double value = 0.00;
for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
value += cds[i].total();
return value;
public int getCount() {
return count;
} //end class inventory
public GUI()
super ("CDs Inventory");
setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
label = new JLabel ( "This shows the inventory of CDs");
add(label );
Inventory1 cdgui = new Inventory1();
label = new JLabel ( cdgui.toString());
// button = new JButton("Previous");
// add(button);