myqry = "UPDATE tblReceive SET "
myqry = myqry + " ProductName = '" & txtProd.Text & "',"
myqry = myqry + "' Quantity= " & txtQuan.Text & "',"
myqry = myqry + " Quantity Unit= '" & ComboBox3.SelectedItem & "',"
myqry = myqry + " Category = '" & ComboBox2.SelectedItem & "',"
myqry = myqry + " Supplier = '" & ComboBox1.SelectedItem & "',"
myqry = myqry + " ReceivedDate = '" & txtDate.Text & "',"
myqry = myqry + " ReceivedBy = '" & ComboBox4.SelectedItem & "'"
myqry = myqry + " WHERE "
myqry = myqry + "' ProductID = " & txtID.Text
mycmd = New OleDbCommand(myqry, con) <<<< error here.. syntax error.Update statement error
pls help..
quantity unit, Category,Supplier and Received by.. are all Combo boxes. by the way im using listview control where im putting those items...pls help.. im realy newbie here.. the first time i tried this code.,its ok because im using all textboxes but when im using combo boxes..its not ok..plss help....pls