Heres my issue my fellow coders:
My works VB program uses some .asp files to create reports. This is the error I am getting:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'ubound'

/reports/wpoa_trans_summary.asp, line 238

I navigated to line 238 in the asp file and here is the code:

if ubound(varCampArray2) > 0 then
				varRentalID = varcamparray2(1)
			*line 238	rs2.Source = "SELECT PadRate,Price FROM CampRentals JOIN CampPadRates ON " & _ "CampPadRates.ID=CampRentals.PadRate WHERE CampRentals.ID=" & varRentalID

I must further explain that "Price" is not in CampRentals and is located in CamPadRates. I am looking for a solution to this issue but even an explanation would help me a lot right now for this current issue.
Thanks in advance for helping, will give rep points for intelligent and well explained responses.

What is your declaration for varCampArray2? My first guess would be that it is not an array but a collection. Ubound is for arrays.

varCampArray = split(trim(rs("Notes")) & "", ";")
			If ubound(varCampArray) > 0 Then
				varCampArray2 = split(varCampArray(0) & "", "=")

That is all I am seeing in my entire project mate, it is declared at the top like this:

dim varCampArray2

Then when I hit Ctrl + F to search for varCampArray2, hit "Find Next" it goes to this line:

varCampArray2 = split(varCampArray(0), "=")

Ah. I skipped over the most important part. "vbScript", NOT VB.Net. I'm looking at

varCampArray = split(trim(rs("Notes")) & "", ";")

If ubound(varCampArray) > 0 Then
    varCampArray2 = split(varCampArray(0) & "", "=")

and wondering if the problem is that rs("Notes") is returning some oddball value. Perhaps try


or try displaying the value of rs("Notes") to see what it shows.

will give rep points for intelligent and well explained responses

What are you willing to offer for help that was admittedly lacklustre;)

bro i give rep if you are intelligent enough to help me out, which you are. Thanks for troubleshooting wit me and I will post back when I get back to that program. Unfortunately I am the only programmer for my work and there are more important issues to deal wit right now. I have some issues that popped up in an even more important program than the one I am talking about in this thread lol FML!

One last suggestion, check if the var is actually an array by

If IsArray(varCampArray) Then
    If ubound(varCampArray) > 0 Then
        varCampArray2 = split(varCampArray(0) & "", "=")
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