Please help me in solving this question
Task 1. Create a class to store details of student, such as rollno, name, course joined, and fee paid so far. Assume courses are C# and ASP.NET with course fees being 2000 and 3000, respectively. (3 marks)
- Provide a constructor that takes rollno, name and course.
Provide the following methods:
feepaid += amount;
Print() : {to print rollno, name, course and feepaid}
Due amount if the student pays only 1000 as a first payment.
TotalFee -= feepaid
Declare an object S and call the above methods using
Student s = new Student(1, "John", "c#");
Task 2- Complete the program below by adding class customer that uses overloaded constructors:
A. Customer(string firstName, string lastName)
B. public Customer(string firstName)
using System;
namespace CustomerApp
public class Customer
// here you need to add class members (instance variables, constructors and methods)
Here the program where you test the Customer class.
using System;
namespace CustomerApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Customer customer1 = new Customer("Joe", "Black");
Customer customer2 = new Customer("Jim");
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", customer1.FirstName, customer1.LastName);
Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", customer2.FirstName, customer2.LastName);