Ok - so I have an object "A" that has a value (for the sake of example here, it's initialized to 0).
I'm making a GUI and I've created a panel that is supposed to display the amount from object "A" in a label which shows up on the screen. However, when I attempt to manipulate the value via the GUI, the value doesn't update.
From what I understand I need to write some kind of listener or some way for the panel to know that it needs to update, but I don't know how to do that. Can someone point me in the right direction? I assume it's label.updateSomeRandomThingIDontKnowAbout(), so if you know about it, let me know!
Again, I'm trying to display a text representation of a value from an object, through a GUI. I have a panel made, with a label that gets the value from the object. The initial value is shown, but never updated though it should be.