Hello all , I'm designing a Database which is for students & Their degrees
I have Two Tables One for students one for their Degrees & 2 forms Main One & Sub form .
What ever I want to make a way to search for a student name like the one that exist exactly in the navigation bar in the form !!
So here what I want to do exactly
1- Have a button when I click it gives me the record whose Student name is the value in a Text box or like it !!
PS: I don;t Code in VB.net or Use Access !!
My Database (Media Fire)

How far you doing this?
post your code. where the error is. we're going to help you.

How far you doing this?
post your code. where the error is. we're going to help you.

In fact Jx_Man : I learn C++ & use it , but Access Supports VBScript !!
What ever I solved it with Combobox from Builder . I think it will do the Job !!
Thanks for reply anyway .


In the click event of the combo box set a filter on the form

Public sub combo1_click
    me.filter = "StudentName='" & me.combo1.text
    me.filteron = true
end sub
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