Hey guys, I need help recognizing multiple digit numbers that are read so that I may push said number into a stack for future evaluation
For example: 22 3 + should evaluate to 25
When I input 22 3 +, my output is evaluated to 5
Any help/criticism is welcome
Here is what I have so far:
template <int size>
void Stack<size> :: fillStack()
string expression;
cout << "Enter a postfix expression and terminate it with a '$': ";
getline(cin, expression);
int n = expression.length();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!isStackFull())
if (isdigit(expression[i]))
float x = (static_cast<float>(expression[i]) - '0');
if (isdigit(expression[i+1]))
int b = i+1;
x = x*10 + (static_cast<float>(expression[i+1]) - '0');
stack[counter++] = x;
stack[counter++] = x;
else if (ispunct(expression[i]))
cout << "Error: Stack is Full" << endl;
exit(0); }