I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit and I keep getting following screen:
I tried to install also Visual Studio 2008 with similar result. Any idea what could it be?

A log file is created when this happens that will tell you exactly what is the problem.
There is (probably) a link to it at the bottom of that text box. Scroll down.
Look through that until you find the first error.

If it's too much (many attempts will create a large file), use windows explorer to navigate to it and delete it and run the installer again (and you will get a fresh copy).

There's no link to the log file.

Well, it looks like the first problem is the .NET 4 framework.
Do you already have that installed?
If not, can you install it separately?

i had this program before 2 days. yesterday i updated my windows 7 and the c# wasn't work so i unistalled it and i download it again and now this is the result.
now i don't have framework 4 from where can i download it separately?


There also might be link to it already on your machine if you click the start button and type Windows Update in the search edit box.

It doesn't work

Can you be more specific?

well it doesn't show it anymore but there is another problem without an explanation or something that tell me what is the problem..

OK. What happens after this box is cleared?
Does anything appear on the screen?
Do you get any warnings BEFORE this box appears?

After i press ok it closes the program.
but before it show me:

OK. Do you have a .settings file (from a previous install or other computer) you can put in that location to see if it solves the problem?

I did it, it doesn't show the first message anymore but it still show the second message

So, you're saying the only error, warning or message of any type you're getting is:
"The operation could not be completed".


If so, I'm going to recommend attempting to:
1) Uninstall any previous installation of C# Express
2) Rename or delete any directories containing any leftover fragments of the install
3) Reinstall
4) If you're using Vista or Win7, run the Setup.exe as administrator.

it doesn't work, i guess i need to format my computer

thank you

Format the computer?!
Did it give exactly the same error?

now it's like the first one (the error that i showed in the first message)

Do you have any other versions of VS (Express or other) installed?

Drastic: If you try to install the VC++ Express or VB Express, will it do the same?

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