I have been working on this all day can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong.

using System;
public class ArrayManagement
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int[] myArray;
        myArray = new int[7];
        myArray = fillArray();
        int sum, avg;
        arrayMath(myArray, out sum, out avg);
    public static void arrayMath(int[] myArray, out int sum, out int avg)
        sum = myArray.Sum();
        avg = myArray.Average();
   public static void displayArray(int[] myArray)
        Console.Write("Your sum and average is: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            Console.Write(myArray[i] + " ");

   public static int[] fillArray()
        int[] myArray;
        myArray = new int[7];
        int count = 0;
            Console.Write("Please enter a number to add to the array or \"x\" to stop: ");
            string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
            if (consoleInput == "x")
                return myArray;
                myArray[count] = Convert.ToInt32(consoleInput);

        } while (count < 8);
       return myArray;

If we knew what your were trying to achieve and what you are having problems with, we might be more inclined to help.
Also, put your code between [ CODE ] tags

I made just enough adjustments to make it compile and run without crashing.
There are some design adjustments you will need to make:

using System;
using System.Linq;

public class ArrayManagement
   public static void Main(string[] args)
      int[] myArray;
      myArray = new int[7];
      myArray = fillArray();
      int sum, avg;
      arrayMath(myArray, out sum, out avg);

   public static void arrayMath(int[] myArray, out int sum, out int avg)
      sum = myArray.Sum();
      avg = (int)myArray.Average();
   public static void displayArray(int[] myArray)
      Console.Write("Your sum and average is: ");
      for (int i = 0; i < myArray.Count(); i++)
         Console.Write(myArray[i] + " ");

   public static int[] fillArray()
      int[] myArray;
      myArray = new int[7];
      int count = 0;
         Console.Write("Please enter a number to add to the array or \"x\" to stop: ");
         string consoleInput = Console.ReadLine();
         if (consoleInput == "x")
            return myArray;
            myArray[count] = Convert.ToInt32(consoleInput);

      } while (count < 8);
      return myArray;
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