Hi Can anyone please help me understand and so possibly illustrate with an example why and how a function cant return or evaluate more than one value ?

int something(int a,int b, int c)
     int d;
     \\does something
     return d;

How is this function called????

int z;

So how can you assign two returned value to one variable???
Makes sense???
So a function cannot return two values.....

int something(int a,int b, int c)
     int d;
     \\does something
     return d;

How is this function called????

int z;

So how can you assign two returned value to one variable???
Makes sense???
So a function cannot return two values.....

A function can return a value :/
Note the term "void" in a function means it doesnt return a variable but everything else does e.g. bool functionhere() can return a value either true or false

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