hi all pros,

below is my vb6.0 code. the click command is to save my text and picture. there is no problem for my text.
but, i have a problem after saving the picture. the picture can be saved but it is not availabe for preview.
is there any fix for this ?

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim namefile
namefile = Text2 + Text3
Open App.Path & ("/" + namefile + ".txt") For Output As #1
Print #1, Label5.Caption + Text3.Text & vbNewLine; Label6.Caption + Text4.Text & vbNewLine; Label7.Caption + Text5.Text & vbNewLine; Label8.Caption + Text6.Text & vbNewLine; Label9.Caption + Text7.Text & vbNewLine; Label10.Caption + Text8.Text & vbNewLine; Label11.Caption + Text9.Text & vbNewLine; Label12.Caption + Text10.Text & vbNewLine; Label13.Caption + Text11.Text & vbNewLine; Label14.Caption + Text12.Text & vbNewLine; Label15.Caption + Text13.Text & vbNewLine;
Close #1

Dim namefile2
namefile = Text2 + Text3
Open App.Path & ("/" + namefile + ".bmp") For Output As #2
Print #2, Picture1; PictureBox
Close #2
End Sub

please assist! thakns alot!

below is my vb6.0 code. the click command is to save my text and picture. there is no problem for my text. but, i have a problem after saving the picture. the picture can be saved but it is not availabe for preview. is there any fix for this ?

To save picture in PictureBox you should use SavePicture() function :

Dim namefile2
namefile = App.Path & ("/" & Text1 + Text2) & ".bmp"
SavePicture Picture1.Image, namefile
commented: :D +1
commented: - +1
commented: agree +13

variable namefile2 is assigned the nextline namefile

Jx_Man u rocks to the max!!! now i can save my picture from the picture box!!!

thanks everyone that help me !!

You're welcome :)

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