Hi guys, I'm working on a program that (for the step I'm having trouble w/ atm) is supposed to ask the user what movies they watched in each of the 12 months of the year and output the data to a file. After I enter the title of a movie though things start to go wrong. I'm sure there's more problems to my logic that I'll have to deal with after I get this problem solved (which, feel free to point them out) but I need help getting past this one for the time being. Here's my main method and the method relevant to my problem:
int main()
int choice;
cout << "1. Enter Movie Data" << endl
<< "2. Display Movie Data for a month" << endl
<< "3. Display Movie Data" << endl
<< "4. Quit" << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter choice (1-4): ";
cin >> choice;
if(!(choice>=1 && choice<=4))
cout << "That is not a valid option.\n";
case 1:
case 2:
int m = 0;
cout << "Enter month for which you want report: ";
cin >> m;
case 3:
case 4: break;
} while(choice!=4);
void enterData()
int month = 0;
ofstream output;
char watched;
cout << "Have you watched any movie in month " << month << " [Y/N]: ";
cin >> watched;
case 'y':
case 'Y':
while(watched == 'Y' or watched == 'y')
string name, date;
cout << "Enter Movie Name: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Enter Date mm/dd//yy format: ";
cin >> date;
output << month << " " << date << " " << name << "\n";
cout << "Any more movies for month " << month << " [Y/N]:";
cin >> watched;
case 'n':
case 'N': break;
default: {"You did not enter Y or N.\n";}
} while (month < 13);
And the program run...
1. Enter Movie Data
2. Display Movie Data for a Month
3. Display Movie Data
4. Quit
Enter choice (1-4): 1
Have you watched any movie in month 1 [Y/N]: Y
Enter Movie Name: The Iron Lady
Enter Date mm/dd/yy format: Any more movies for month 1 [Y/N]: Enter Date mm/dd/yy format: Any more movies for month 2 [Y/N]: Enter Date mm/dd/yy format: Any more movies for month 3 [Y/N]: Enter Date mm/dd/yy format: Any more movies for month 4 [Y/N]: Enter Movie Name:
So yeah I don't see why it skips the cin for entering the date and outputs all those statements up to month 4 for some reason. Any help would be greatly appreciated! - Jamie