Hello there!
I have been learning c++ for now 6 months and when i started my goal was to use it whit openg or something similliar
I made long, long list and its here:
I learned this stuff from....YOUTUBE! from user called antirtfm and thenewboston and heres the things that i learned:
basic stuff like: string(+ string headers functions...) class(public,private,protected...) inheritense, polymorphism, pointers,references, "your own storage room" int*prt=new int;, cout, cin , get.line(cin,x), different operators, function.class.operator overloading, arrays(2d arrays...), function templates, class templates, global.local scope, swicth statement, exeption(try, throw, catch), wokring with files, unary scope resolution, and stuff between there.
sorry about my horrbile spelling(writing in a rush + third time writing this post(backshals, laptop mouse pad + <--))