Hi, only posting here as a last resort since I cannot find anything at all online to help me with my project. Anyways, I'm developing an autonomous mobile robot with colour tracking using a khepera II as my robot and a CMUcam2 turret module as my onboard camera, I had no problem finding the information I needed for programming the robot but the CUMcam2 is a different story..... all I need is to know the bios funtions for the camera so I can capture the data from the camera to use in my navigation program for the purpose of giving the robot a destination to travel too!!! Got any questions? please don't hesitate to ask.

-- Gary

Thanks for that, found some code and changed it to suit... and it works!!! but I keep getting "t,0,0,0,0,0,0" as my result! I'm guessing that I still have to send other commands first to get more useful data?

static void process_0()
 int status;
 uint8 mess_5[]={10,8,'T',5,0,0,0,0,0,0};
 uint8 ans5[10];    

    status = msg_snd_rec_message(mess_5,10,ans5,9,5);   // Get the tracked value

    if (status)
        printf("err2: %d\n\r",status);

          printf("rep: %c.%u.%u.%u.%u.%u.%u.%u.%u\n\r",ans5[0],ans5[1],ans5[2],ans5[3],ans5[4],ans5[5],ans5[6],ans5[7],ans5[8]);

I'm afraid I'm really not an expert on that module so I can only really wish you luck in experimenting.

Got it sorted now, will post up my solution in a few weeks only after the project has already been submitted.

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