So I have an assignment where I am supposed to create an oop that will run on a provided Unix server.
I have a Mac so when I run the makefile in Terminal, I don't get any errors. But when I try to run the makefile in the provided Unix server, I get this error:
make: *** No rule to make target `Horse.cpp', needed by `Horse.o'. Stop.
So can someone explain or show me what I am doing wrong? Here are the contents of the makefile:
horserace: Horse.o Race.o main.o
g++ Horse.o Race.o main.o -o horserace
main.o: main.cpp Race.h Horse.h
g++ -c main.cpp Horse.cpp Race.cpp
Horse.o: Horse.cpp Horse.h
g++ -c Horse.cpp
Race.o: Race.cpp Race.h Horse.h
g++ -c Race.cpp
rm -rf *.o horserace
Any help will be most appreciated.