I am having some proplems with my code - I am told to create a mouse and apple game and I am having some trouble with using the array in different funtions.

Here is a short version of my code -

//defining the size of the grid
 const int SIZEY (11); //vertical dimension
 const int SIZEX (19); //horizontal dimension
 const int MAXAPPLES (6); //number of apples
 //defining symbols used for display of the grid & content
 const char MOUSE ('@'); //mouse

 const char TUNNEL (' '); //tunnel
 const char WALL ('#'); //border
 const char APPLE ('o'); // APPLE
 const char STORE ('+'); //Store
 //defining the command letters to move the mouse on the maze
 const int UP (72); //up arrow
 const int DOWN (80); //down arrow
 const int RIGHT (77); //right arrow
 const int LEFT (75); //left arrow
 //defining the other command letters
 const char QUIT ('Q'); //to end the game

 //----- run game

int main()
 //function declarations (prototypes)
 void initialiseGame( char g[][ SIZEX+1], char m[][ SIZEX+1], int mouse[], int apple[][2]);
 void paintGame( const char g[][ SIZEX+1], string& mess);
 bool isArrowKey( int k);
 int getKeyPress();
 void moveMouse( const char g[][ SIZEX+1], int m[], int apple[][2] , int key, string& mess);
 void updateGrid( char g[][ SIZEX+1], const char m[][ SIZEX+1], int mouse[], int apple[][2]);
 void endProgram();
 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------< LOCAL VARIABLES >
 //local variable declarations //arrays that store ...
 char grid[ SIZEY+1][ SIZEX+1]; //grid for display
 char maze[ SIZEY+1][ SIZEX+1]; //structure of the maze
 int mouse[2]; //mouse's position ([y-coordinate][x-coordinate])
 string message( "LET'S START..."); //current message to player

int apple[MAXAPPLES+1][2]; //This is an array of 6 apples

 Seed(); //seed the random number generator
 initialiseGame( grid, maze, mouse, apple); //initialise grid (incl. walls & mouse)
 paintGame( grid, message); //display game info, modified grid & messages
 int key( getKeyPress()); //read in selected key: arrow or letter command
 while (key != QUIT) //while user does not want to quit
 if ( isArrowKey( key))
 int dx( 0), dy( 0);
 moveMouse( grid, mouse, apple, key, message); //move mouse in that directio
 updateGrid( grid, maze, mouse, apple); //update grid information
 message = "INVALID KEY!"; //set 'Invalid key' message
 paintGame( grid, message); //display game info, modified grid & messages
 key = getKeyPress(); //display menu & read in next option
 cout << "\nPLAYER WANTS TO QUIT.";
 endProgram(); //display final message
 return 0;
 } //end main

 //----- initialise game state

void initialiseGame( char grid[][ SIZEX+1], char maze[][ SIZEX+1], int mouse[], int apple[][2])
 { //initialise grid & place mouse in middle
 void setInitialMazeStructure( char g[][ SIZEX+1]);
 void setInitialMouseCoordinates( int mouse[]);
 void updateGrid( char g[][ SIZEX+1], const char m[][ SIZEX+1], int mouse[], int apple[][2]);
 void setIntialAPPLECoordinates(int apple[][2]);

setInitialMazeStructure( maze); //initialise maze
 setInitialMouseCoordinates( mouse);//initialise mouse's position
 setIntialAPPLECoordinates(apple); // intialise apple's position
 updateGrid( grid, maze, mouse, apple); //prepare grid
 //setIntialAPPLECoordinates(int apple[]);

} //end of initialiseGame

void setInitialMazeStructure( char maze[][ SIZEX+1])
 { //set the position of the walls in the maze
 //initialise maze configuration
 char initialMaze[ SIZEY+1][ SIZEX+1] //local array to store the maze structure
 = { {'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X','X','X','X', 'X','X','X','X','X','X',},
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',},
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',}, // need a apple
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',}, // need a apple
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',}, // need 2
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',},
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', '#', ' ', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',},
 {'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', '#', ' ', '#', '#', ' ', '#', '#','#','#','#',' ',' ','+','+','#',},
 {'X', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ','+','+','#'},
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', '#', '#', '#', ' ', '#',' ','#','#',' ',' ','+','+','#',},
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',},
 {'X', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#','#',} };

//This is the function that places apples on the grid

void placeapple(char g[] [SIZEX + 1], int apple[][2])

g[ apple[1][0]] [apple[1][1]] = APPLE;

g[ apple[2][0]] [apple[2][1]] = APPLE;

g[ apple[3][0]] [apple[3][1]] = APPLE;

g[ apple[4][0]] [apple[4][1]] = APPLE;

g[ apple[5][0]] [apple[5][1]] = APPLE;

g[ apple[6][0]] [apple[6][1]] = APPLE;


// This is the function that checks which apple is which

void Identifyapple(const char g[][ SIZEX+1], int m[], int apple[][2],int dx, int dy, int n)

int ax = m[1]+dx; // it's the mouses x poisition + key diplacement
 int ay = m[0]+dy;//it's the mouses y poisition + key diplacement

 // test each apple and identify which 1 matches the coordinates
 for ( int i = 0; i < MAXAPPLES; i++)

if ((apple[1][0]= ay) && ((apple[1][1] = ax))) // testing if the apple1 matches the ax and ay
 n = 0; // mouse is next to apple 1
 if ((apple[2][0] = ay) && (apple[2][1] = ax)) // testing if the apple2 matches the ax and ay
 n = 2; // mouse is next to apple 2
 if ((apple[3][0] = ay) && (apple[3][1] = ax)) // testing if the apple3 matches the ax and ay
 n = 4; // mouse is next to apple 3

 if ((apple[4][0] = ay) && (apple[4][1] = ax)) // testing if the apple4 matches the ax and ay
 n = 6; // mouse is next to apple 4
 if ((apple[5][0] = ay) && (apple[5][1] = ax)) // testing if the apple5 matches the ax and ay
 n = 8; // mouse is next to apple 1
 if ((apple[6][0] = ay) && (apple[6][1] = ax)) // testing if the apple6 matches the ax and ay
 n = 10; // mouse is next to apple 1

//This is the bit of code that I'm having proplems with, when I ever I run it, I get an error that says '+=' left operand must be a l-value

case APPLE:
 //if ( the apple can move)
 if ( appleCanMove( apple, g, dx, dy,n))

//then move the apple
 apple[0+n] += dy; //go in that Y direction //<<<=======FAULT---->>
 apple[1+n]+= dx;//go in that X direction

//then move the mouse
 m[0] += dy; //go in that Y direction
 m[1] += dx; //go in that X direction

//This is the function definition to check if the apple has hit the mouse and if the mouse can move the apple and place it in a storage area.

bool appleCanMove( int apple[][2], const char g[][ SIZEX+1], int dx, int dy, int n)

bool canMove;
 switch( g[n+dy][n+dx])//<>=======FAULT=====<>
 { //...depending on what's on the target position in grid...
 case TUNNEL: //can move
 canMove = true;
 canMove = false;
 return canMove;

You need to put the code in for the " Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines"

to do it
highlight all of your code and press the Code button or simply press tab from your keyboard

also are there any error messages for your code, could you post that as well or if not describe what happens when you run it

I want the mouse to be able to move each apple. At the moment when I run my program the apples disappear all together when they come in contact with the mouse. So that is why I need to change the switch statement so that the mouse is able to move each apple.

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