So I have not generated the event for the picturebox but lets say the picture box is "private void pictureBox2_BeverageItems" followed by curly bracelts . I have been looking all over and couldnt find a correct implementation my guess is to probably use "streamreader" but im still fairly new to that.....

thanks guys

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Threading; 

    namespace SamsonPizza
public partial class Form1 : Form
    public decimal[] beveragePrice = new
        //array is positional, water is 2.50, you index in it to get price
           decimal[] { 1.75m, 1.75m, 1.75m, 1.75m, 2.50m }; 
    decimal beverageTotal = 0;

    public decimal[] specialtyItemsPrice = new 
        // array is positional. 'small horse' is last
           decimal[] { 5.50m, 6.50m, 8.00m, 3500m };        
    decimal specialtyTotal = 0;

    public decimal[] pizzapiePrice = new  
        // array is positional. used as in indexed
           decimal[] { 10m, 15.50m, 20m };                

    public Form1()
    } // end of Form 1 

    //whenever selected value of pizza size is changed,  
    //this event is executed
    private void comboBoxSize_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // display currently selected item in the combobox
       label4.Text = comboBoxSize.SelectedItem.ToString();  

        // if else sets price box based upon the indes selected
        // we know that first is small at indes 0, 
        // next is medium at index 1
        // then last is large at index 2
       if (comboBoxSize.SelectedIndex == 0)
           label5.Text = pizzapiePrice[comboBoxSize.SelectedIndex].ToString("0.00");
       else if (comboBoxSize.SelectedIndex == 1)
           label5.Text = pizzapiePrice[comboBoxSize.SelectedIndex].ToString("0.00");
       else if (comboBoxSize.SelectedIndex == 2)
           label5.Text = pizzapiePrice[comboBoxSize.SelectedIndex].ToString("0.00");
    } // end of comboBoxsize_SelectedItem 

    //whenever selected value  of crust is changed,  
    //this event is executed
    private void comboBoxCrust_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        label6.Text = comboBoxCrust.SelectedItem.ToString();

    } // end of comboBoxCrust_SelectedValueChanged 

    private void checkedListBoxPizzaItems_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        label7.Text = "";   // reset display 

         //show the  object title for each item selected
        foreach (object itemChecked in checkedListBoxPizzaItems.CheckedItems)
            // keep adding by += and place it in the label
            label7.Text += itemChecked.ToString() + " " ;        

    } // end of checkedListBoxPizzaItems 

    //Beverage -- entered everytime a beverage is selected 
    //or clicked in beverages
    private void checkedListBoxBeverage_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // reset display &  show the  object title for each item selected

        label9.Text = "";   //remove beverage text from display order labels
        beverageTotal = 0; //remove beverage price from display order labels

        //will go through each item checked based 
        //upon checkedListBoxBeverage's  CheckedItems
        foreach (object itemChecked in checkedListBoxBeverage.CheckedItems)
            // keep adding checked items to the label to show text
            label9.Text += itemChecked.ToString() + " ";     

            // index of item checked is passed to the price array
            // += keeps totaling
            beverageTotal += beveragePrice[checkedListBoxBeverage.Items.IndexOf(itemChecked)];   

             // convert to string and display                                                     
            label12.Text = beverageTotal.ToString("0.00");     
        } // end of Foreach       

    }  // end of checkedListBoxBeverage

    //Specialty -- entered everytime a check is selected
    // or clicked in specialty items
    private void checkedListBoxSpecialty_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // reset display &  show the  specialty 
        // object title for each item selected

        label14.Text = "";  //remove specialty text from display order labels
        specialtyTotal = 0; //remove specialty price from display order totals

        // keeps executing for checked items
        //will go through each item checked based 
        //upon checkedListBoxSpecialty's  CheckedItems
        foreach (object itemChecked in checkedListBoxSpecialty.CheckedItems)
            // keep adding checked items to the label to show text
            label14.Text += itemChecked.ToString() + " ";  

            // index of item checked is passed to the price array
            // += keeps totaling
            specialtyTotal += specialtyItemsPrice[checkedListBoxSpecialty.Items.IndexOf(itemChecked)];

            label15.Text = specialtyTotal.ToString("0.00");  // convert to string and display 

        } // end of Foreach       
    } // end of checkedListBoxSpecialty 

    //  buttons below. first is place order then all clear buttons
    //Place Order here
    // when this button is pressed, a simple total of 
    //pizza, beverage and specialty subtotals is performed
    // button click event is triggered
    private void buttonPlaceOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // zero out previous values
        label17.Text = "";
        // pre-zero if empty to show no order                     
        if (label5.Text == "") label5.Text = "0.00";   
        if (label12.Text == "") label12.Text = "0.00";
        if (label15.Text == "") label15.Text = "0.00";
        label17.Text = (decimal.Parse(label5.Text) + decimal.Parse(label12.Text) +

            //parse the decimal, add them and convert back to string

    } // end of buttonPlaceOrder 

    // all clear buttons follow
    // button click events are triggered
    private void buttonClearToppings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // uncheck all. Reset Toppings display
        label7.Text = "";                              
        for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBoxPizzaItems.Items.Count; ++i)
            // set SetItemChecked property to false from true.
           // it gets set to true when use checks it
            checkedListBoxPizzaItems.SetItemChecked(i, false);   

    } // end of buttonClearToppings 

    private void buttonClearBeverage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         // uncheck all. Reset Beverage display
        label9.Text = ""; 
        // Reset beverage sub total box. the order total simply adds these                   
        label12.Text = "0.00";               
        for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBoxBeverage.Items.Count; ++i) 
            // set SetItemChecked property to false from true.
            // it gets set to true when use checks it
            checkedListBoxBeverage.SetItemChecked(i, false);   

    } // end of buttonclearBeverage 

    private void buttonClearSpecialty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // uncheck all. Reset Specialty display 
        label14.Text = "";
        // Reset specialty sub total box. the order total simply adds these                  
        label15.Text = "0.00";              
        for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBoxSpecialty.Items.Count; ++i)
            checkedListBoxSpecialty.SetItemChecked(i, false);
    } // end of buttonclearSpeciality 

    // clear everything
    // all clear button is clicked. prepare for a new order
    private void buttonClearOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //clear price boxes. so when total happens it is
       // not only counting 0.00 but prices zerod out too
        label5.Text = label12.Text =label15.Text = label17.Text ="0.00";      
        //labels cleaned. nothing remains visible in the order
        label4.Text = label6.Text = label7.Text = label9.Text = label14.Text = ""; 

         // uncheck all. walk thru all toppings items based upon the count
        // of items in the checkedListBox. Reset Toppings display 
        for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBoxPizzaItems.Items.Count; ++i)
            checkedListBoxPizzaItems.SetItemChecked(i, false);                     
         // uncheck all. walk thru all beverage items based upon the count
        // of items in the checkedListBox. Reset Beverage display 
          for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBoxBeverage.Items.Count; ++i)
            checkedListBoxBeverage.SetItemChecked(i, false);      
         // uncheck all. walk thru all specialty items based upon the count
        // of items in the checkedListBox. Reset Beverage display     
        for (int i = 0; i < checkedListBoxSpecialty.Items.Count; ++i)
            checkedListBoxSpecialty.SetItemChecked(i, false);       

    }   // end of buttonClearOrder Event  

  } // end of namespace 
} // end of class 

Why so much code needed to paste it here? Next time paste only the code needed. Ok?
Ok, to thread`s topic:
Create an array of images (Bitmap or Image classs). Put a timer (System.Windows.Timer for instance) and initialize it. Set some properties, like the Interval (on how many time the event will rise), subscribe to TICK event (use timer1 += new EventHandler(makeOfMethod);) and then start it when even you need.
Inside the tick event create a for loop of all images and use by one one:

for(int i = 0; i < imageArray.Length; i++)
    pictureBox.Image = imageArray[i];

You can set some other parameters like image size and others.

ok so this is what I have constructed so far in the pictureBox event that will display multiple images:

             private void pictureBox2_BeveragePictureBox(object sender, EventArgs e)

        Image[] image = new Image[6];
        for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
            image[index] = Image.FromFile(imageFilePaths[index]);

         myTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(TimerEventProcessor);

         myTimer.Interval = 5000;

        while(exitFlag == false) {

                                } // end of while loop body 

        for (int i = 0; i < imageFilePaths.Length; i++)
            pictureBox2.Image = image[i];

    } // end of pictureBox2 event 


I have also included an additional method:

              private static void TimerEventProcessor(Object myObject,
                                       EventArgs myEventArgs)

        if (MessageBox.Show("Continue running?", "Count is: " + alarmCounter,
           MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)

            alarmCounter += 1;
            myTimer.Enabled = true;
            exitFlag = true;
        } // end of outer else statement 
    } // end of TimerEventProcessor method 


then declared a string array to hold images:

              //this array will allow images to be stored to be used for display in the control 
    public string[] imageFilePaths; 


My question now is how do I point to a certain directory , lets say the Bin folder of the entire solution folder so that it pulls those images and displays and changes accordingdly?

You can use a FolderBrowserDialog to view folders and the user can select one, then you can get all the images from inside that folder.

FolderBrowserDialog FBD = new FolderBrowserDialog();
    // FBD.SelectedPath contains the Path chosen.
    Directory.GetFiles(FBD.SelectedPath, "*.jpg");
    // This will return an array containing all the JPEG filepaths 
    // in the directory they chose.

Hope this Helps!

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