Member Avatar for Griff0527

I have pretty much failed my class (4 weeks behind in an 8 week class that is currenlty at the beginning of week 8), but I am wanting to learn C++ for myself anyhow. I have visited and gone through the tutorial, but cannot understand this assignment. I have a working address book that was created using an array (SEVERAL .h and .cpp files are used). The first part of the assignment is to edit the files to use a linked list instead of an array. After editing to use a linked list, I need to add funtions to add or delete a new entry and write the data to the HD upon termination.

My issue is that I do not understand how to edit the original file properly. I have changed the class in addressBook.h from:

class addressBookType: public arrayListType<extPersonType>


class addressBookType: public linkedListType<extPersonType>

and removed the original header files which called on a header file called arrayListType, while adding the linkedList.h and unsortedLinkedList.h headers.

What I don't understand is why I am getting an error stating that "ItelliSense: object of abstract class type "addressBookType" is not allowed:"
I do not understand why I am not allowed to call addressBookType as an abstract class. about 95% of my remaining errors have to do with the fact that addressBook is not a class due to the abstract class type not being able to be called.

I will post the main.cpp, linkedList.h, unorderedLinkedList.h, addressBookType.h and addressBookTypeImp.cpp here, but will zip the remaining files (including the old arrayType.h file) and attach them to this posting. There is a LOT of code here, but I am hoping that someone may be able to help me with understanding what I am doing wrong in trying to call the abstract class addressBookType.


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "addressBookType.h"

using namespace std;

void loadAddressBook(addressBookType& adBook);
void saveData(addressBookType& adBook);

void showMenu();

int main()
    addressBookType addressBook;
    string str;
    string str1;
    string str2;
    int choice;
    int loc;
    int month;



    cin >> choice;
    while (choice != 9)
        switch (choice)
        case 1: 
            cout << "Enter the last name of the person: ";
            cin >> str;
            cout << endl;

            loc =;

            if (loc != -1)
                cout << str << " is in the address book" << endl;
                cout << str << " is not in the address book" << endl;
        case 2: 
            cout << "Enter the last name of the person: ";
            cin >> str;
            cout << endl;

            loc =;

            if (loc != -1)
                cout << str << " is not in the address book" << endl;
        case 3: 
            cout << "Enter the month number: ";
            cin >> month;
            cout << endl;

        case 4: 
            cout << "Enter starting last name: ";
            cin >> str1;
            cout << endl;
            cout << "Enter ending last name: ";
            cin >> str2;
            cout << endl;

            addressBook.printNamesBetweenLastNames(str1, str2);
        case 5: 
            cout << "Enter person type Family, Friend, Business: ";
            cin >> str;
            cout << endl;

        case 6: 
        case 7: 
            cout << "Invalid choice" << endl;

        cin >> choice;

    char response;

    cout << "Save data Yes (Y/y) No(N/n)?: ";
    cin >> response;
    cout << endl;
    if (response == 'y' || response == 'Y')

    return 0;

void loadAddressBook(addressBookType& adBook)
    ifstream infile;

    char filename[50];

    string first;
    string last;

    int month;
    int day;
    int year;

    string street;
    string city;
    string state;
    string zip;

    string phone;
    string pStatus;

    extPersonType temp;

    cout << "Enter file name: ";
    cin >> filename;
    cout << endl;;
    if (!infile)
        cout << "Input file does not exists. "
             << "Program terminates!!!" << endl;

    int i = 0;

    infile >> first >> last >> month >> day >> year;
    getline(infile, state);
    infile >> zip >> phone >> pStatus;

    while (infile)

        adBook.insertAt(i, temp);

        infile >> first >> last >> month >> day >> year;    
        getline(infile, state);
        infile >> zip >> phone >> pStatus;

void saveData(addressBookType& adBook)
    ofstream outfile;

    char filename[50];

    cout << "Enter file name: ";
    cin >> filename;
    cout << endl;;
    if (!outfile)
        cout << "Input file does not exists. "
             << "Program terminates!!!" << endl;


void showMenu()
    cout << "Welcome to the address book program.";
    cout << "Choose among the following options:" << endl;
    cout << "1: To see if a person is in the address book" << endl;
    cout << "2: Print the information of a person" << endl;
    cout << "3: Print the names of person having birthday in a particular month" << endl;
    cout << "4: Print the names of persons between two last names" << endl;
    cout << "5: Print the names of persons having a particular status" << endl;
    cout << "6: Print the address book" << endl;
    cout << "7: Save data" << endl;
    cout << "9: Terminate the program" << endl;


#ifndef H_LinkedListType
#define H_LinkedListType

#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

//Definition of the node

template <class Type>
struct nodeType
    Type info;
    nodeType<Type> *link;

// Author: D.S. Malik
// This class specifies the members to implement an iterator
// to a linked list.

template <class Type>
class linkedListIterator
      //Default constructor
      //Postcondition: current = NULL;

    linkedListIterator(nodeType<Type> *ptr);
      //Constructor with a parameter.
      //Postcondition: current = ptr;

    Type operator*();
      //Function to overload the dereferencing operator *.
      //Postcondition: Returns the info contained in the node.

    linkedListIterator<Type> operator++();    
      //Overload the preincrement operator.
      //Postcondition: The iterator is advanced to the next node.

    bool operator==(const linkedListIterator<Type>& right) const;
      //Overload the equality operator.
      //Postcondition: Returns true if this iterator is equal to 
      //    the iterator specified by right, otherwise it returns
      //    false.

    bool operator!=(const linkedListIterator<Type>& right) const;
      //Overload the not equal to operator.
      //Postcondition: Returns true if this iterator is not equal to
      //    the iterator specified by right, otherwise it returns
      //    false.

    nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to point to the current
                             //node in the linked list

template <class Type>
    current = NULL;

template <class Type>
                  linkedListIterator(nodeType<Type> *ptr)
    current = ptr;

template <class Type>
Type linkedListIterator<Type>::operator*()
    return current->info;

template <class Type>
linkedListIterator<Type> linkedListIterator<Type>::operator++()   
    current = current->link;

    return *this;

template <class Type>
bool linkedListIterator<Type>::operator==
               (const linkedListIterator<Type>& right) const
    return (current == right.current);

template <class Type>
bool linkedListIterator<Type>::operator!=
                 (const linkedListIterator<Type>& right) const
{   return (current != right.current);

// Author: D.S. Malik
// This class specifies the members to implement the basic
// properties of a linked list. This is an abstract class.
// We cannot instantiate an object of this class.

template <class Type>
class linkedListType
    const linkedListType<Type>& operator=
                         (const linkedListType<Type>&);
      //Overload the assignment operator.

    void initializeList(); 
      //Initialize the list to an empty state.
      //Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0;

    bool isEmptyList() const;
      //Function to determine whether the list is empty. 
      //Postcondition: Returns true if the list is empty, otherwise
      //    it returns false.

    void print() const;
      //Function to output the data contained in each node.
      //Postcondition: none

    int length() const;
      //Function to return the number of nodes in the list.
      //Postcondition: The value of count is returned.

    void destroyList();
      //Function to delete all the nodes from the list.
      //Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0;

    Type front() const; 
      //Function to return the first element of the list.
      //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
      //Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program terminates;
      //    otherwise, the first element of the list is returned.

    Type back() const; 
      //Function to return the last element of the list.
      //Precondition: The list must exist and must not be empty.
      //Postcondition: If the list is empty, the program
      //               terminates; otherwise, the last  
      //               element of the list is returned.

    virtual bool search(const Type& searchItem) const = 0;
      //Function to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
      //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the list,
      //    otherwise the value false is returned.

    virtual void insertFirst(const Type& newItem) = 0;
      //Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list.
      //Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
      //    inserted at the beginning of the list, last points to
      //    the last node in the list, and count is incremented by
      //    1.

    virtual void insertLast(const Type& newItem) = 0;
      //Function to insert newItem at the end of the list.
      //Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
      //    inserted at the end of the list, last points to the
      //    last node in the list, and count is incremented by 1.

    virtual void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem) = 0;
      //Function to delete deleteItem from the list.
      //Postcondition: If found, the node containing deleteItem is
      //    deleted from the list. first points to the first node,
      //    last points to the last node of the updated list, and
      //    count is decremented by 1.

    linkedListIterator<Type> begin();
      //Function to return an iterator at the beginning of the 
      //linked list.
      //Postcondition: Returns an iterator such that current is set
      //    to first.

    linkedListIterator<Type> end();
      //Function to return an iterator one element past the 
      //last element of the linked list. 
      //Postcondition: Returns an iterator such that current is set
      //    to NULL.

      //default constructor
      //Initializes the list to an empty state.
      //Postcondition: first = NULL, last = NULL, count = 0; 

    linkedListType(const linkedListType<Type>& otherList); 
      //copy constructor

      //Deletes all the nodes from the list.
      //Postcondition: The list object is destroyed. 

    int count; //variable to store the number of list elements
    nodeType<Type> *first; //pointer to the first node of the list
    nodeType<Type> *last;  //pointer to the last node of the list

    void copyList(const linkedListType<Type>& otherList); 
      //Function to make a copy of otherList.
      //Postcondition: A copy of otherList is created and assigned
      //    to this list.

template <class Type>
bool linkedListType<Type>::isEmptyList() const
    return (first == NULL);

template <class Type>
linkedListType<Type>::linkedListType() //default constructor
    first = NULL;
    last = NULL;
    count = 0;

template <class Type>
void linkedListType<Type>::destroyList()
    nodeType<Type> *temp;   //pointer to deallocate the memory
                            //occupied by the node
    while (first != NULL)   //while there are nodes in the list
        temp = first;        //set temp to the current node
        first = first->link; //advance first to the next node
        delete temp;   //deallocate the memory occupied by temp

    last = NULL; //initialize last to NULL; first has already
                 //been set to NULL by the while loop
    count = 0;

template <class Type>
void linkedListType<Type>::initializeList()
    destroyList(); //if the list has any nodes, delete them

template <class Type>
void linkedListType<Type>::print() const
    nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list

    current = first;    //set current so that it points to 
                        //the first node
    while (current != NULL) //while more data to print
        cout << current->info << " ";
        current = current->link;
}//end print

template <class Type>
int linkedListType<Type>::length() const
    return count;
}  //end length

template <class Type>
Type linkedListType<Type>::front() const
    assert(first != NULL);

    return first->info; //return the info of the first node 
}//end front

template <class Type>
Type linkedListType<Type>::back() const
    assert(last != NULL);

    return last->info; //return the info of the last node   
}//end back

template <class Type>
linkedListIterator<Type> linkedListType<Type>::begin()
    linkedListIterator<Type> temp(first);

    return temp;

template <class Type>
linkedListIterator<Type> linkedListType<Type>::end()
    linkedListIterator<Type> temp(NULL);

    return temp;

template <class Type>
void linkedListType<Type>::copyList
                   (const linkedListType<Type>& otherList) 
    nodeType<Type> *newNode; //pointer to create a node
    nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list

    if (first != NULL) //if the list is nonempty, make it empty

    if (otherList.first == NULL) //otherList is empty
        first = NULL;
        last = NULL;
        count = 0;
        current = otherList.first; //current points to the 
                                   //list to be copied
        count = otherList.count;

            //copy the first node
        first = new nodeType<Type>;  //create the node

        first->info = current->info; //copy the info
        first->link = NULL;        //set the link field of 
                                   //the node to NULL
        last = first;              //make last point to the
                                   //first node
        current = current->link;     //make current point to
                                     //the next node

           //copy the remaining list
        while (current != NULL)
            newNode = new nodeType<Type>;  //create a node
            newNode->info = current->info; //copy the info
            newNode->link = NULL;       //set the link of 
                                        //newNode to NULL
            last->link = newNode;  //attach newNode after last
            last = newNode;        //make last point to
                                   //the actual last node
            current = current->link;   //make current point 
                                       //to the next node
        }//end while
    }//end else
}//end copyList

template <class Type>
linkedListType<Type>::~linkedListType() //destructor
}//end destructor

template <class Type>
                      (const linkedListType<Type>& otherList)
    first = NULL;
}//end copy constructor

         //overload the assignment operator
template <class Type>
const linkedListType<Type>& linkedListType<Type>::operator=
                      (const linkedListType<Type>& otherList)
    if (this != &otherList) //avoid self-copy
    }//end else

     return *this; 



#ifndef H_UnorderedLinkedList
#define H_UnorderedLinkedList

// Author: D.S. Malik
// This class specifies the members to implement the basic
// properties of an unordered linked list. This class is
// derived from the class linkedListType. 

#include "linkedList.h"

using namespace std;

template <class Type>
class unorderedLinkedList: public linkedListType<Type>
    bool search(const Type& searchItem) const;
      //Function to determine whether searchItem is in the list.
      //Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is in the list,
      //    otherwise the value false is returned.

    void insertFirst(const Type& newItem);
      //Function to insert newItem at the beginning of the list.
      //Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
      //    inserted at the beginning of the list, last points to
      //    the last node, and count is incremented by 1.

    void insertLast(const Type& newItem);
      //Function to insert newItem at the end of the list.
      //Postcondition: first points to the new list, newItem is
      //    inserted at the end of the list, last points to the
      //    last node, and count is incremented by 1.

    void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem);
      //Function to delete deleteItem from the list.
      //Postcondition: If found, the node containing deleteItem
      //    is deleted from the list. first points to the first 
      //    node, last points to the last node of the updated 
      //    list, and count is decremented by 1.

template <class Type>
bool unorderedLinkedList<Type>::
                   search(const Type& searchItem) const
    nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list
    bool found = false;

    current = first; //set current to point to the first 
                     //node in the list

    while (current != NULL && !found)    //search the list
        if (current->info == searchItem) //searchItem is found
            found = true;
            current = current->link; //make current point to
                                     //the next node
    return found; 
}//end search

template <class Type>
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::insertFirst(const Type& newItem)
    nodeType<Type> *newNode; //pointer to create the new node

    newNode = new nodeType<Type>; //create the new node

    newNode->info = newItem;    //store the new item in the node
    newNode->link = first;      //insert newNode before first
    first = newNode;            //make first point to the
                                //actual first node
    count++;                    //increment count

    if (last == NULL)   //if the list was empty, newNode is also 
                        //the last node in the list
        last = newNode;
}//end insertFirst

template <class Type>
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::insertLast(const Type& newItem)
    nodeType<Type> *newNode; //pointer to create the new node

    newNode = new nodeType<Type>; //create the new node

    newNode->info = newItem;  //store the new item in the node
    newNode->link = NULL;     //set the link field of newNode
                              //to NULL

    if (first == NULL)  //if the list is empty, newNode is 
                        //both the first and last node
        first = newNode;
        last = newNode;
        count++;        //increment count
    else    //the list is not empty, insert newNode after last
        last->link = newNode; //insert newNode after last
        last = newNode; //make last point to the actual 
                        //last node in the list
        count++;        //increment count
}//end insertLast

template <class Type>
void unorderedLinkedList<Type>::deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem)
    nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list
    nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent; //pointer just before current
    bool found;

    if (first == NULL)    //Case 1; the list is empty. 
        cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list."
             << endl;
        if (first->info == deleteItem) //Case 2 
            current = first;
            first = first->link;
            if (first == NULL)    //the list has only one node
                last = NULL;
            delete current;
        else //search the list for the node with the given info
            found = false;
            trailCurrent = first;  //set trailCurrent to point
                                   //to the first node
            current = first->link; //set current to point to 
                                   //the second node

            while (current != NULL && !found)
                if (current->info != deleteItem) 
                    trailCurrent = current;
                    current = current-> link;
                    found = true;
            }//end while

            if (found) //Case 3; if found, delete the node
                trailCurrent->link = current->link;

                if (last == current)   //node to be deleted 
                                       //was the last node
                    last = trailCurrent; //update the value 
                                         //of last
                delete current;  //delete the node from the list
                cout << "The item to be deleted is not in "
                     << "the list." << endl;
        }//end else
    }//end else
}//end deleteNode




#ifndef H_addressBookType
#define H_addressBookType

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "extPersonType.h"
#include "unorderedLinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

class addressBookType: public linkedListType<extPersonType>
    void print() const;

    void printNameInTheMonth(int month);
    void printInfoOf(string lName);
    void printNamesWithStatus(string status);
    void printAt(int i);

    void printNamesBetweenLastNames(string last1, string last2);

    int search(string lName);

    void saveData(ofstream&);





#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "addressBookType.h"

using namespace std;

void addressBookType::print() const

void addressBookType::printNameInTheMonth(int month)
    if ( == true)

void addressBookType::printInfoOf(string lName) 
    int i = search(lName);

    if (i != -1)
        cout << lName << " is not in address book." << endl;

void addressBookType::printNamesWithStatus(string status)
    for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
        if (list[i].isStatus(status))
            cout << endl;

void addressBookType::printAt(int i)
    if (i < length())
        cout << "No such person" << endl;


void addressBookType::printNamesBetweenLastNames(string last1, string last2)
    string lName;

    for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
        if (last1 <= lName && lName <= last2)
            cout << endl;

int addressBookType::search(string lName)
    bool found = false;
    int i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < length(); i++)
        if (list[i].isLastName(lName))
            found = true;

    if (found)
        return i;
        return -1;

    length = 0;

void addressBookType::saveData(ofstream& outFile)
    string first;
    string last;

    int month;
    int day;
    int year;

    string street;
    string city;
    string state;
    string zip;

    string phone;
    string pStatus;

    for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++)
        list[i].getDOB(month, day, year);

        outFile << first << " " << last << endl;
        outFile << month << " " << day << " " << year << endl;
        outFile << street << endl << city << endl << state << endl << zip << endl;
        outFile << phone << endl << pStatus << endl;

Please Note that the arrayType.h file is the OLD file. I included it for reference purposes as if it is included and line 13 is edited in addressBookType.h then the program runs correctly.

Thank you for any advice / guidence you can give me in understanding how to call linked lists.

Member Avatar for Griff0527

I believe I may be doomed to never learn this language. My last 3 posts over the last 2 months have gone unansered and uncommented on.
Am I doing something wrong? Am I not giving enough information? I'm tying like hell to understand C++, but I cannot locate any help anywhere.

Well considering how long of a post it is, most people will skip right over it. Post where the problem is. I don't think anyone wants to read 3 header files to answer one compiler error.

To edit files you either have to write the file to memory, edit, and rewrite the whole file back to HD or, if the file contents are entirely predictable and the information replacing the original consumes exactly the same amount of information as the original, then you can access the specific information in the original, change it and write just the changed part to file. Most files require the former.

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