If someone can simplify this code I will appretiate since I don;t have time... !!!!
Thank you in advance..!!
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
int DisplayMenu(); //function that display the menu of the program
int Quit(); //quit function of the game
int Replay(); //replay function of the game(if the user wants to quit)
int BoardGenUSER(); //board user generation..... This function generate the 2nd 2D array based on the user input Columns and Rows
int Random(int i, int b);
void reveal(int x);
int b=8; // b= 8 is the number of the 2D array....
int main() { // Int main of the whole program...
DisplayMenu(); //called the function
return 0; // a returning value (since compiler set warning message)
int DisplayMenu() //function of main menu of the program
char opt; //char variable
cout << "\nSelect One Option!";
cout << "\n------------------"; //main menu of the program
cout << "\n1|Game."; // prints out all the options
cout << "\n2|Exit.";
cout << "\nOption: ";
cin >> opt; // check the option of the user
switch (opt) //switch case of the user input
case '1': BoardGenUSER();
break; // break of case 1
case '2': Quit(); // case 3: called the function quit
break; // break of case 3
default: cout << "Error input, The program will exit.!!"<<endl; return 0; //default: any other character will print out error
} //message and exit the program.....
return 0;
int Quit() //quit function
char opt; // declaration values
do // do of while loop below
cout << "Do you want to exit(y/n)? ";
cin >> opt; // asked from user to enter an input in char
if (opt=='n' || opt=='N') // if statement.!! Checks if the input is == to a specific char
cout << string(25, '\n'); // if it's not since I can't used cls am using linux distribution....
return main(); //Rerunning into main menu // i set a string value of 25 and change line to clear the screen
}while(opt!='Y' && opt!='y'); // while the input of the user is not = with the specific char (Y)-(y)
// goes into do
return 0; // returning value..!!
} // end of function quit!!!
int Replay() // replay function (when the game is done asking the user if wants to play again or not)
char a; //variables
cout << "1) Replay 2) Quit" << endl;
cin >> a;//asked from the user to set a char
switch(a) //switch case of the input that the user give....
{ // started of switch case
case '1': //case 1
return main(); //the program return into the main menu
break; //break of case 1
case '2': //cace 2
cout << "Quit" << endl;
break; //break of case 2 //the program exit
default: // default when the user enter invalid input..
cout << "Invalid input" << endl; //print out error message
Replay(); // and return into the function replay (called the function)
break; //break of default
} //end of switch case
return 0; //returning value
int BoardGenUSER()
int board[b][b]; //0 - 8 = # of mines, 9 is mine
int revealed[b][b]; //1 is revealed second 2D array for the showed
int i = 0; //Declared the i and j values of nested loops here since I am passing it throw the function Random
int j = 0; // >> >> >> >> >> >>
int x = 0; //columns of table
int y = 0; //rows of table
int z = 10; //number of BOOMS/MINES
int q; //counter
int dead = 0; //dead value that check when the game is over or not.. I am prefer to using integer instead of boolean!!!!!!
for(i=0;i<b;i++) // for loop of i rows...these nested loop are not responsible to create the table just
for(j=0;j<b;j++) // for loop of j columns... initial the board end set the 2D array into 0 to be able to Randomly selected positions
board[i][j] = 0; //set the 2D board to 0
i = Random(i, b); //called the function Random to generate the booms and passing into the table based on
j = Random(j, b); // numbers of the board in our case 8x8 by i and j of the loop statement..
cout << "Generating board..." << endl; // printing generating message
do // do of while 'Z' statement....
i+=3; // changing the values of i and j and passing to generate the board... PRIVIOUS it was for the position NOW it's for the WHOLE program
x = Random(i, b); // called the function Random as X-axis and Y-axis where X = columns and Y = Rows
y = Random(j, b);
if(board[y][x] != 9) //checking if the board = not = into 9
board[y][x] = 9; //set the mine 9 and each time goes --z until the mines ends....
z--; // z-- for the mines
if((y-1) >= 0)
if(board[y-1][x] != 9)
if((y-1) >= 0 && (x-1) >= 0)
if(board[y-1][x-1] != 9)
board[y-1][x-1]++; // a little bit of mess here... :P
if((x-1) >= 0) // as a result the specific if statements is
if(board[y][x-1] != 9) // checking for first time the X - Y axis and then
board[y][x-1]++; // each time increase the value of the board variable
if((y+1) < b) // by one but an the same time decrease or increase (deepens of the value of board)the internal position of
if(board[y+1][x] != 9) //table/2D array so each time generating a position of X and Y
if((y+1) < b && (x+1) < b)
if(board[y+1][x+1] != 9)
if((x+1) < b)
if(board[y][x+1] != 9)
if((y-1) >= 0 && (x+1) < b)
if(board[y-1][x+1] != 9)
if((y+1) < b && (x-1) >= 0)
if(board[y+1][x-1] != 9)
}while(z>0); //while statement of mine is grater than 0 then goes up INTO do
for(i = 0; i < b; i++) // nested for loop for the revealed i and j as they showed....
//board creation end..... Now goes into the input & checking...
//ask for input/check squares loop
system ("clear"); //OR// --->>>>> /cout << string(25, '\n'); what ever is works for you....
q = 0; // counter of checking boarding and dies.. SEE lines:: 175/176/181
z = 0; //set parameter z into 0 z is the number of the booms that they will generate on the random function SEE LINES 177/178/181
cout << " "; //prints spaces
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << i << " |";
cout << "_|";
cout << endl;
if(board[i][j]!=9 && revealed[i][j]==1)
if(board[i][j] == 9)
if(q >= ((b*b) - z))
cout << "You win!" << endl;
dead = 1;
if(dead == 0)
cout << "X: ";
cin >> x;
cout << "Y: ";
cin >> y;
if(board[y][x] == 9)
system ("clear");
cout << "You hit a mine!" << endl;
cout << " ";
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
dead = 1;
for(i=0; i<b; i++)
cout << i << " |";
cout << "_|";
cout << endl;
revealed[y][x] = 1;
if(board[y][x]>0 && board[y][x]<9)
revealed[y][x] = 1;
} while(dead == 0);
if (dead == 1)
return 0;
void reveal(int x) // this function display the board.. actually generate the board of x = 0 booms x == 9 and befor the user plays
if(x == 0) //if statement.. of x == 0
cout << "o|"; //prints out
else if(x == 9) //else if of x ==9 when the user hit a boom
cout << "x|"; //prints out results
else //else
cout << x << "|"; //prints out tables separate
int Random(int i, int b) //this function generate Random numbers of boarding
{ // for example every time that the user starts a new GAME this function generate different type
long ran; // of the actually positions of the booms... With other words this function select Randomly possitions
int t = time(0); // into the table and set the booms.....
ran = rand();
ran = ran / (ran * i) + (i * 1337); // NOTE:: I WILL TRY TO FIND OTHER WAY TO DO THAT BUY FOR NOW I LEAVE IT
ran = ran % b; // THIS is not me... It's HELPS me one friend to to that... he also explain to me
// but unfortunately i don't understand..
return ran;